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8 Things We Need to See in the Gilmore Girls Revival

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

* Warning: This article contains spoilers. Do not read if you have not finished all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls. *

I am not exaggerating when I say that I’ve spent more time in the last eight years than I’d like to admit hoping and praying for Gilmore Girls to come back with its original writers. Now that my dreams have finally come true, I — like many other dedicated Gilmore Girls fans — have some specific demands that must be met in order to be truly satisfied with this once-in-a-lifetime revival. Here are the things we expect — no, demand — to see.

1. Emily and Lorelai finally find peace in their relationship
I always believed both Emily and Lorelai are to blame for the constant tension in their relationship. I think both characters have negative qualities that tend to clash, but they had the potential to have a really beautiful mother-daughter relationship. I hope in the revival, we can finally see this relationship settle, and they can let go of their resentment for one another.

2. Rory gets a job at the New York Times
I was so happy for Rory when she found a job at an online magazine reporting on the Barack Obama campaign. I liked that her first job right out of college wasn’t her dream job because it was realistic and made Rory slightly more relatable. However, I was always slightly disappointed I didn’t get to see her land her dream job. I would love to see her as a successful writer at the New York Times, hopefully in a position that allows her to travel the world like she always wanted.

3. Kirk gets married
Kirk finding Lulu was one of the highlights of the show for me. It was nice to see oddball Kirk get a sweet, pretty girl like Lulu. Next, I would love to see them get married and Kirk finally move out of his mother’s house for good. I hope the end of Kirk’s storyline is a happy one.

4. Paris becomes headmaster of Chilton
Although Paris chose to attend medical school at the end of the seventh season, I would love if her true calling was actually to be headmaster of Chilton. Headmaster Charleston has to be ready to retire by now, and no one would be able to fill his shoes better than Paris. Also, I hope to see her married to Doyle.

5. Lane’s mom babysits for her kids when she and Zack are on tour
I would be distraught if Lane and Zack gave up on their music because they became parents. I also would be distraught if Mrs. Kim didn’t have a hefty role in their kid’s lives. I hope Mrs. Kim lightens up on the rules with her grandchildren, and lets them listen to their parent’s awesome music.

6. April Nardini stays far, far away
We don’t need to even discuss this storyline. It should never be discussed again.

7. Rory and Jess get back together
If you are team Logan or Dean, I respectfully ask that you take a closer look at your life and priorities. Jess and Rory are soulmates, and I will forever be disappointed with the execution of their relationship. It’s time they redeem themselves and find a happily ever after together.

8. Lorelai and Luke get married
I think this is probably the most obvious of them all. Although I was pleased their relationship seemed to be headed in the right direction at the end of season seven, it’s time to finally see what we’ve all been waiting for since the show’s premiere in 2000. I want to see Lorelai as a bride, and I don’t think that’s too much to ask for.

I have complete faith in Amy Sherman-Palladino and Daniel Palladino to give us the ending we’ve all been waiting for. But it couldn’t hurt for them to take a few suggestions from yours truly to make sure they realize audience expectations for the big revival. Good luck, Amy and Dan. We can’t wait to finally hear those last four words.

Photo credits: Hollywoodreporter.com, Buzzfeed.com