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8 Lies We Tell Ourselves Every Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

We all tell ourselves lies every day. Sometimes they’re big and sometimes they’re small. But sometimes we don’t even realize we are doing it. Here are some of the lies we all trick ourselves into believing on a daily basis in college.

1. “I will so totally go to the gym today.”

2. “Yeah, I will definitely go to my 8:30 a.m. class tomorrow.”

3. “I won’t wait until the last minute to turn in my assignment.”

4. “I will resist Chipotle and make a salad for once.”

5. “I’ll only drink one glass of wine, not the entire bottle.”

6. “I will not go home with anybody from Midtown tonight.”

7. “I will not text any of my crazy ex-boyfriends tonight.”

8. “The diet starts tomorrow.”

No matter what lie you tell yourself to get through the day, just know you are not the only one, collegiettes.

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