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6 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Sophomore Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

Freshman year was our blank canvas, our fresh start at a new life and our time to make poor decisions with little consequences to our dignity or our GPA. We laughed, we cried and then we returned after summer break confused as to how in the world we weren’t the ones getting lost looking for our classes in Turlington Hall anymore. But even though we may not be the freshest faces on the block, that doesn’t mean we have already hit our peak. The good news is that it’s not all downhill from here. Sophomore year is undoubtedly a year to make memorable because in three more years we are going to have to face the real world. Here are some ways to ensure that this is one for the books.

1. Get off your butt and walk to classSeriously, we have one of the most scenic campuses in the nation. Are you going to voluntarily sit on the arctic tundra that is the RTS bus with brakes so harsh and frequent that you develop whiplash? If you answered yes to that, you’re doing UF wrong. In three short years, you will most likely be on some stuffy form of mass transportation in a big city or sitting in traffic on your daily commute, so enjoy your college years by cherishing a walk under the Spanish moss-clad trees. Let the wind blow through your hair and the backpack sweat collect on your shirt.

2. Stop waiting until tomorrow and get involved in things you enjoy todayYes, we all avoid those grinning faces and wavering pamphlets that dart out at us on Turlington Plaza, but honestly, why are we so afraid to just grab the flier and read about it? Maybe it’ll be the club we meet our husband in or the organization where we find our best friends. It is still early in Fall semester, and that means applications to more formal clubs are probably still open. It’s so easy to just say you’ll be involved next semester when your classes are easier or when football season is over, but you have such a short time here, so make the most of it. Go out on a limb, join a club, make a friend, and feel what the gator family is all about.

3. Surround yourself with people who love you at you noon and at midnightWe all have those people we drunkenly stumble into at parties and Midtown and excitedly say hi to. Maybe it’s that cute boy you’ve never actually held a sober conversation with because you feel awkward since that one time you texted him, he read it at 9:30 a.m. but replied at 11:35 p.m… ouch. Or maybe it’s the sweet girl in the Rowdy Reptile’s bathroom who pees alongside you and compliments your romper every Wednesday night. Either way, I’m sure these people are great and vital assets to your life, but they aren’t your real friends. Find those people who will wake up at 8 a.m. with you just to grab coffee and a bagel before class. Befriend those who want to come over to hear about how tragic your love life is and will supply you with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s while listening. Yes, party people are fun, but the people who actually care about you as a person are even better. Let’s face it — getting crazy on Fraternity Row is definitely a lot more enjoyable (and hilarious) when you get to talk it up the next day over brunch.

4. Learn how to give a bomba** interviewOkay, so maybe you aren’t entering the real adult world quite yet, but it’s coming soon whether your blazer is ironed or not. You are now entering your 20s, and it’s time you perfect that firm handshake and million dollar smile. By now, you’ve probably figured out what the heck you’re even good at, and it’s time you learn how to market that. Carry yourself with confidence and speak articulately because you attend one of the best universities in the darn nation; now prove it. Go to Macy’s and get yourself that pant suit, even if it does make you look like a senator. You can jazz it up with a statement necklace or your Michael Kors watch because yes, you look like a professional but you’re also still a trendy young gal. Get rid of those typos in your resume, invest in the $0.80 at Target Copy to print it up on some fancy paper, and never wear your stilettos to your interview. Be fabulous but modest; remain humble but exude confidence. Oh, and never forget to bring a mint!

5. Take care of yourself a little moreIt’s tempting as a college student to live solely off pizza and beer for four years, but it couldn’t hurt to substitute that with salad and water occasionally. You’re a sophomore now and you know that eating Subway every day isn’t actually good for you, and that for some evil reason a shot of vodka can have over 100 calories. If you hate the gym, that is totally fine. Just make sure you get in a healthy dose of cardio every day by dancing around your apartment with your roommates and from making your daily dash to the buffet at your sorority house (because that long line is crazy and chicken florentine goes real fast). Fill your fridge with healthy foods so when you come home starving from the library at 2 a.m. you literally have no choice but to eat moderately decent food. I know it can be hard, but make sure to wash your face at night so you can continue feeling beautiful the next day without mascara running down to your lips. Wash your hair because sure, those curls looked great last Wednesday but by Saturday, they start to look a little dishelveled. Wear clothes that flatter you and make you feel good and try not staying in bed all weekend. Life is too short to not feel and look your best.

6. Help out those younger than youBasically two seconds ago you were a freshman, and at some point you probably had no idea what to expect from your classes, your social life and your love life. Even though you are now an old and wise second-year freshman, please share some knowledge with the lost freshman who don’t yet know what Smokin’ Notes are. Share your stories, give helpful tips, and take people under your wing because you have the potential to become a mentor,  a big sister,  a best friend or a bridesmaid to someone. Pay it forward, even though you only have $13 in your bank account and you can’t afford to do your laundry. At least pass on the priceless knowledge that comes with already have a year of college under your belt.

Sure, freshman year was amazing because everything was new and exciting, but that doesn’t mean sophomore year is something to be afraid of. Although it’s not really acceptable to be the craziest girl at the party anymore, this year can still be fun and full of growth. It’s time to leave those freshman year memories in the dust and greet sophomore year with open arms.


Photo credit:madamenoire.com

Hi, I'm Jenna and I'm currently attending the University of Florida as a Finance major with a specialization in Pre-Law, and minors in Entrepreneurship and Mass Communications. I grew up wanting to be a Carrie, but I know I'm going to end up as a Miranda. Interests include melted cheese, pink blazers, and fluffy puppy pictures on Pinterest.