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5 Women to Watch in the 2020 Presidential Race

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

On Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020, our country has the chance to start anew: We will have our 59th U.S. presidential election. This election will determine who will lead our country for the next four years. We’ve yet to have our first female president, but things seem hopeful as more and more candidacy announcements are released. There are five women who have announced their campaigns, and this is how they’ve done it.

1. Kamala Harris (Democrat)

Senator Harris, daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants, announced that she was running on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 21) on “Good Morning America.” In 2016, Harris was the second African-American woman in history ever to be elected to the U.S. Senate. She is also the first African American and first woman to be Attorney General in California. Harris is an incredible example of a strong, powerful woman. Harris intentionally chose to announce her campaign on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and spoke about such during her announcement. According to Harris, “The thing about Dr. King that always inspires [her] is that he was aspirational… [she is] honored to be able to make [her] announcement on the day we commemorate him.”

Harris is also honoring Shirley Chisholm with her campaign. Her logo, according to NPR, her logo is modeled after the graphics after Chisholm’s. Additionally, NPR reports that her campaign will focus on proposals for immigration, criminal justice reform and middle class tax cuts. Harris posted an announcement video on Instagram and Twitter to highlight her campaign’s focus and direction.

2. Tulsi Gabbard (Democrat)

Representative Gabbard informally mentioned on “The Van Jones Show” on January 11 that she is going to run, and made her official announcement about 13 days later on January 24 through an announcement video posted on Twitter. Gabbard is an Iraq War veteran and her focus is on finding peace. According to Gabbard’s video, “Every single one of us,” pays the price when our country launches interventionist regime change wars – not just veterans.

Tulsi’s movement is called The Aloha Launch, is focused on spreading love and a united spirit and motivation for each other and our country.

3. Elizabeth Warren (Democrat)

Senator Elizabeth Warren announced her presidential exploratory committee on December 31, 2018 and posted an announcement video on her Twitter. The video follows an autobiographical narrative and shows Warren’s background and goals for her campaign and potential presidency. Her focus is fighting for the middle class. She speaks in the video about incomes for working families and families of color have fallen, and about the impact of billionaires and corporations on the lives of those in the middle class. Her slogan is “Join the Fight.”

4. Kirsten Gillibrand (Democrat)

Senator Gillibrand announced her presidential exploratory committee on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” on January 15. Gillibrand is running with a focus on children, education and health care. Gillibrand said that as a mom, she wants to fight for other people’s kids. Gillibrand got her start in public service from her grandmother and mother who “organized other women and served tirelessly in their communities.” Gillibrand started her career as a young lawyer and then followed a path of public service to advocate for those “whose voices weren’t being heard.” She served in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in Washington D.C., but then decided to move home to upstate New York to raise her family run for Congress. In 2006, Gillibrand won as an underdog with her goals of Congressional ethics reform, an end to the Iraq war and Medicare for All.

5. Marianne Williamson (Democrat)

Williamson is a #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author and spiritual advisor, and she announced her candidacy at the Saban Theater in Los Angeles on January 28. She focused on a need for love in the United States, and how an economic system that only focuses on a small group of people threatens democracy.

Williamson is Oprah’s spiritual adviser and calls herself a “bitch for God.” She is the daughter of an immigration lawyer and a homemaker, who was raised Jewish. She’s always spoken out about her political views during her career, including her stance in offering reparations to black Americans. In 2014, Williamson ran for Congress as an independent in LA’s 34th Congressional District, but only came in fourth. However, this has not dissuaded her. She is now running as a democrat for the presidential race in 2020.

These women will definitely be ones to watch while our country gears up for its next election. So far, only women democratic candidates have announced their candidacy. As always, make sure to be informed and participate in your democratic duty to vote and help our country grow and evolve. Your power is in your voice and support of who and what you believe in. Make yourself heard.