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5 Reasons Fall is the Best Season of the Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

The best season of the year is upon us, and it is finally time to embrace it. In case you haven’t figured it out already, fall is obviously the best time of the year. There are so many aspects of this amazing season, and I could not be happier to share them with you. So buckle your seat belts because you are all about to feel really warm and fuzzy inside.

1. Those cozy sweaters and cardigans you have tucked away in the back corner of your closet can finally come out to play.We all have snuggly sweaters that we either bought at Forever 21 or were made custom by our grandma’s knitting needles. The point is, they are absolutely out of commission throughout spring and summer, especially in Florida. The coziest feeling is curling up next to a hot cup of coffee in a sweater and not sweating your butt off. Plus, it isn’t too cold to sit outside yet.

2. Sitting outside at restaurants, coffee shops and on campus is actually an option. What’s better than being able to sit outside and enjoy a cool breeze? Nothing. You can actually wear your sweaters outside of your air-conditioned home and into the beautiful city of Gainesville. The best part of this is that you can finally appreciate how nice it is outside, and not for just two minutes.

3. Pumpkin. Flavored. Everything. Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread are just scratching the surface of the wondrous world of pumpkin-flavored goodies. Everything pumpkin flavored is absolutely delicious, and little hints of cinnamon always manage to find their yummy way in. There are also amazingly scented lotions, sprays and shower gels that make you smell super cozy while you feel super cozy.

4. The two most amazing and cozy holidays just so happen to be during this wonderful season.Halloween has a ton of candy, and Thanksgiving gives you an excuse to stuff your face without shame. It is no coincidence that the best holidays involve a bunch of food. It is also no coincidence that the best season of the year allows you to wear baggy sweaters so no one can see the food baby you have acquired.

5. Cuddle season is upon us, ladies!Cuddle buddies are definitely always wanted, and sometimes needed, and fall gives us all the opportunity to catch the cuddle bug. Cool weather and cozy vibes are the perfect recipe for a great snuggle session with the person of your choosing. The absolute best part of the cuddle action is Halloween movies! We all love to tune into ABC Family and catch the bit of nostalgia that comes from 13 Nights of Halloween.

The best season allows you to feel warm and fuzzy inside, and fall is definitely the only season that fits the criteria. There is absolutely nothing better than sitting outside in a sweater while drinking a hot pumpkin spice latte. Fall allows us all to be the cuddly people we all really are inside, so let’s get cozy, collegiettes!