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10 Thoughts You Have While Away From Your Dogs at Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.

One of my favorite quotes is, “Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend obviously never owned a dog.” As a busy collegiette, I certainly don’t have time to be best friends with a diamond, but what I do have time for is a heart filled with love for my dogs back at home. Dogs are a gift to the world. They are always there to listen when you need someone to talk to, don’t mind offering themselves up as a cuddly pillow at night and love when you come home, even if they just saw you an hour before! While I’m away at college, I definitely miss my puppies, Ella and Sedona. And after all the pictures I saw on Instagram for National Puppy Day on March 23, I know that thousands of other collegiettes miss their puppies, too! Here’s a list of ten thoughts we collegiettes have while away from our dogs back at home.

1. I prefer the sound of my puppies barking at the landscaper over the beeping noise of my alarm clock any day.

2. Aw, I just saw a lizard/butterfly/leaf/anything that moves. She would have loved to chase that down the street.

3. Sigh. Another picture text of my puppies from home. If only I could pet them right now and spoil them with toys and cuddles.

4. Why doesn’t anyone have time for my hour-long stories? My puppies always love listening to me tell them!

5. How unfair. She visited home and got to take cute pictures of her puppies. I want to hug mine now and feel loved from all of their puppy licks!

6. I wonder what my next Instagram pic of my puppy will be. Hmmm, perhaps I will pose her by the pool so the world can see how glamorous she is.

7. Oh no, a lightening storm! My puppy hates those. If I were home I would definitely be singing songs to her so she wasn’t so scared.

8. Hello world! I am home! (insert silence) I wish my dogs were here to greet me like the superstar I am.

9. Puppies are stress-relievers, so I should have mine here at college. Is it possible to kidnap my own dogs from home?

10. Should I stay at college after exams for another day, or go home early to see my puppies? I choose the puppies!

No matter what thoughts you have about your own puppies, one thing’s for sure; I would choose my dogs over a diamond any day!

Hey I'm Spencer! I'm a senior journalism major with a leadership minor here at UF. I love traveling to different countries, running half marathons and spending time with my friends. This past summer I had two pr and marketing internships in NYC with fashion labels JOVANI and REISS. I'll be graduating and moving back to NYC this December.