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Our Baby Princess Arrives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UEA chapter.

This week Team HC UEA are thrilled to report that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge have announced the birth of their second yet equally beautiful royal baby. Our favourite British couple Kate and Wills gave birth to a baby princess at 8.34am this morning, weighing 8lbs and 3oz.

The Duchess of Cambridge went into labour at 6am and was admitted to the Lindo Wing of Saint Mary’s Hospital, the same wing that she gave birth to her baby Prince George in 2013. Unlike her first childbirth however, her baby princess was born within two hours of her arrival at the hospital and the royal princess emerged in the arms of her loving parents less than 12 hours later.

Kate, William, George and the new royal princess have returned home to Kensington Palace to rest and enjoy the newest addition to the Royal family. Barack Obama and David Cameron are among the figures that have sent out their congratulations to the young and inspiring couple.

Now that the royal Princess has arrived, the whole world is eagerly anticipating the announcement of her name. Bookies are favouring the potential names Alice and Charlotte, with Diana, Frances, Victoria and Alexandra being considered also.

HC UEA cannot wait to find out the beautiful baby Princess’s name and we are really enjoying making silly bets on the verdict…if she’s announced to be Princess Jennifer or Princess Victoria, I win a MilkyWay. 

Jen is a French and International Development student in her final year at University of East Anglia and an aspiring magazine editor. She is an active member of campus social life and when she is not writing future online content or updating her fashion and lifestyle blog, you will find her in Topshop or any cafe that serves tea and cake, reading tonnes of the latest fashion magazines.