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HC UEA Campus Cutie: Ashley Paul

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UEA chapter.

For the launch of Her Campus UEA, we caught up with our first-ever Campus Cutie, Ashley Paul. This cheeky Essex boy studies French and Spanish and is currently in his fourth year of UEA after spending his year abroad partying and ‘chirpsing’ across Europe.

From hitting the city in Toulouse to bronzing on the beach in Zaragoza, Ashley loves to travel and speaks an impressive array of languages. We asked him to say a few words in his sexy Spanish accent, and we were not disappointed! As kind as he is cute, Ashley is a popular guy on campus. When he’s not in the JPC ‘studying,’ he can often be found in the hive or chatting on the steps with mates.

Name: Ashley Paul Hometown: Southend-On-Sea Relationship status: single 

We caught up with one of the loveliest guys around and asked him a few questions… 

Describe yourself in three words: chatty, chatty and chatty.

What usually surprises people about you? “I can speak French and Spanish (not quite fluent in both but nearly there!).”

How do you stay in shape in a university environment full of pot noodles and beer? “I eat whatever I like, but I love to work out. Also, the gym is a great place for socialising and a great excuse to talk to girls.” 

Sum up your UEA experience in one sentence: “UEA has definitely been the best thing to happen to me, absolute game changer!”

Where is your favourite place to hang out in Norwich? “Riverside Wetherspoons, obviously!”

What is your best UEA memory so far? “Dressing as Cool Runnings for Pimp My Barrow 2012.”

What are you plans for after university? “Travel South America and afterwards find a job based in London but involved lots of traveling abroad.”

Jen is a French and International Development student in her final year at University of East Anglia and an aspiring magazine editor. She is an active member of campus social life and when she is not writing future online content or updating her fashion and lifestyle blog, you will find her in Topshop or any cafe that serves tea and cake, reading tonnes of the latest fashion magazines.