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HC UEA Campus Cutie: Adi Kawala

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UEA chapter.

 We caught up with this week’s Campus Cutie: the gorgeous Adeline Kawala. This fourth year modern languages student is as intelligent and strong as she is pretty. Adeline, a bilingual French studen is in her last three weeks of university soaking up as much of Norwich as she can before she graduates.

We sat down with Adeline to find out a little bit more…

Name: Adeline Kawala

Hometown: Peterborough

University Course: Modern languages

Describe yourself in three words: “Fiesty, ambitious and loud.”

What was your favourite UEA Experience?

“A night out at the LCR in first year when my friends and I dressed as Audrey Hepburn, Amy Winehouse and Tom Cruise found a cardboard cut-out of Jonah Hill and took it home to become the 15th member of our flat.”

Where is your favourite place to go out in Norwich?

“Karma Cafe, Bam Bam and Gonzo’s.”

What will you miss about Norwich

“The student vibe – you meet so many different people from all walks of life!! It’s just a really nice place to be.”

Jen is a French and International Development student in her final year at University of East Anglia and an aspiring magazine editor. She is an active member of campus social life and when she is not writing future online content or updating her fashion and lifestyle blog, you will find her in Topshop or any cafe that serves tea and cake, reading tonnes of the latest fashion magazines.