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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Whether you work as a babysitter, have children of your own, have little siblings, or just adore working with children, keeping them entertained is hard work! Children need constant stimulation to learn about the world around them. Here are seven ideas for keeping them entertained and active!

Speak their language

Although it may make you feel very old, children these days are not playing with the same toys or watching the same shows we used to when we were their age. They don’t know the pain we felt when Miley had to choose between Jake and Jesse, or how heartbreaking the Wizards of Waverly Place movie was. They have access to apps and social media earlier than we ever did. It would help to get the low-down on what children these days use to keep themselves entertained so that you are on the same level as them. Learning about apps like TikTok or YouTubers like Emma Chamberlain and Jojo Siwa could earn you some serious brownie points as the coolest babysitter/sibling ever!

Tell them stories

Children admire grown-ups for their experience and knowledge. Have you ever told a story to a child and seen them become completely enthralled by everything you say? Whether you read a book to them or tell them a story about your own childhood, this is one of the sweetest ways to keep a child entertained.

Get them talking

One thing I have found in my experience as a babysitter is little children love talking about themselves. They can talk endlessly about their friends, the TV shows they watch, and primary school drama. Having a genuine interest in the life of the child you’re looking after by getting them to talk about their daily experiences is entertaining both for you and them!

Teach them something

Got any cool skills or life lessons you can pass on to the child you’re looking after? Maybe you’re an out-of-this-world brownie baker, can play guitar, or can teach them how to skateboard. Teach them anything that will bring more joy and excitement into their lives.

Arts and crafts

If the child you’re looking after remains glued to their iPad or cellphone all day long, get their creative juices flowing by making something with them! They can be anything like trendy homemade scrunchies, or even gooey DIY slime. If you need some inspiration, Suzelle DIY’s YouTube channel has plenty of ideas.

Games and toys

These have been used to entertain children for YEARS! Classic games include Cluedo, Monopoly, 30 Seconds, and the Game Of Life. If you still have your old childhood toys, bring them with you the next time you have to look after a child. Try making up a game combining your toys and their toys for some real fun.

Get outside

Spending quality time with children outside is one of the best ways to keep them active and entertained away from their devices. If there is a park nearby, why not take them and their friends to play hide-and-seek? If they have a dog, take them for walks around the neighbourhood. You could also bake some cupcakes together and have a garden picnic! Options are endless in nature!

You might see an overall improvement on your mood while you keep your child entertained. Let your inner younger self fly free, and just have fun!

Sarah-Kate is a student at the University of Cape Town currently completing her Honours degree in Psychology. She is also the Co-Senior Editor of Her Campus UCT 2020 and actress in short film Dear Romilly. Her interests include baking, writing, yoga, empowering women, and educating the world on mental illnesses through her blog (sarahkatesays.blogspot.com).