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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Since lockdown has been implemented and there’s no news of anyone going back to campus, for now, it is safe to say that we’ll need to write essays, have Zoom meetings as tutorials, and do assignments and readings all at home. For some of you, you might’ve already gotten into the academic zone and are pulling off working from home like a pro, but for quite a few, this is easier said than done. Here are a few things I’m doing to ready myself for ‘Lockdown University’.

Get yourself a morning beverage (and drink water!)

If you start your day with coffee or tea, that’s fine, but water is what you need in your system throughout the day. It’s easy to forget to drink water even when we’re at home, so having a glass of water next to you while you study is perfect. Staying hydrated is important because if you don’t, it can lead to headaches later in the day and that may stunt your learning. Whether your drink is rooibos tea, green tea, Dalgona coffee or hot chocolate, you should always have water at your side. Who knows, maybe you’ll start associating your morning drink with productivity?!

Have a clean workspace

This may be stating the obvious, but having a clean workspace is the difference between productivity and procrastination. I recently cleaned my workspace and have started working in my room after working in the kitchen for months! I know cleaning can be tedious, but you’ll feel so much better and more refreshed to deal with work once you know that there’s a designated section in your home that’s meant for work. I suggest having the essentials on your desk, like your laptop/computer, charging cable, pencil case, desk calendar and diary. I would have my diary there for my daily to-do list and my desk calendar would be there for me to show how much time I have until a deadline. I’ll add in my water bottle and a snack if I’m feeling thirsty or hungry and viola – a workspace that will allow you to breathe and work!

Call your friends!

I was going crazy over the first few days of lock down. I thought, “How am I going to survive without seeing my friends? I need to see my friends!” I clung to social media like a life line because that was my only way of connecting to other friends and family. Talking to your friends is easy, but when working from home and having to balance relationships and work from your computers or phones, it can be tricky. You could start distancing yourself by accident because you’re working or you forget to reply to someone’s message because you’re receiving so many from different people. With all of this being said, organize calls and have video chats. I always feel better after a chat, because it feels like you’re not as alone anymore. Have a Netflix Party and install the extension on your computer! Watch a movie live with friends and laugh at the commentary on the side. Not being able to hug a friend is the worst, while in quarantine, so giving them a call is the next best thing.

Get some good sleep and have a schedule

I know that sounds ridiculous, because I know that some people are going to bed at 5am in the morning and are waking up at 3pm in the afternoon. I’m not saying that you need to sleep at 10pm and wake up at 7am in order to have a productive day. What I am saying is that if your sleeping schedule is not the normal it once was, don’t try to suddenly change it in hopes of being productive (unless you have Zoom meetings at a certain time, because then it’s best you set an alarm for that). Try to still be productive when you are awake so that you can feel like you did something, even if it’s small. 

Take pride in the small victories

You managed to write 500 words of an essay? Celebrate that! You submitted an assignment? Hell yes! You completed 4 out of the 8 tasks that you wanted to do today? You got halfway there! It took me three weeks to write an essay that I was struggling with through lock down and I celebrated those small victories until I finished it. Don’t criticise yourself for not being ‘as productive’ during lock down. You are literally living through a historical moment and need to give yourself the time to understand what is going on.

The world is in a state of confusion and you have every right to binge a series or bake as much banana bread you want. We’re all going through this pandemic and you are not alone. If you feel overwhelmed, there’s nothing wrong in reaching out for help. 

Joelle is an Anthropology Honours student with a Bachelor's degree in English Literature and Anthropology at UCT. She is a feminist, aspiring author, k-pop enthusiast and avid reader.