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The Lies Students Tell Themselves When Studying:

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.


An integral part of being a successful student is self-deception. Sometimes, it is necessary aspect of trying to get by and stay sane during trying times like final exams. Here are just some of the things we tell ourselves while studying.

1. “Sleep is not that vital…”

The exhaustion can be easily rectified by copious amounts of caffeine.


2. “Drinking coffee is not that bad for you…”

I say, on my third cup of coffee for the day.

According to some research coffee is, in fact, good for you. I just choose to ignore the part about exercise being a key component alongside caffeine in energy production.


3. “They definitely won’t ask that… “

We have all been there, crash cramming the night before an exam and we have looked at a section of the course, swearing that it won’t be in the exam, when in fact, we don’t know what will be in the exam.


4. “I deserve a break…”

No, I do not. But still, I take one of those ‘5-minute-breaks’ anyway.


5. “I will just watch one episode…”

You sit down for a study-break to watch one episode of your new favourite show.

This then proceeds to turn into a five-hour binge watch.


6. “I’ll just go for an hour and I won’t drink…”

It’s Friday night. Your friends have invited you out, promising it will be a chilled one.

You go, and after the first sober hour, you decide to stay longer. Saturday morning, you wake up hungover with Monday’s exam being the last thing on your mind.

7. “I need to tidy my desk before I start studying…”

We have arrived at procrastination station and you insist that a clean environment helps you study.  Meanwhile, we know you have managed just fine with that pile of dishes beside you all week.


8. “I am going to get a full eight hours of sleep…”

It’s the night before your first exam and you decide you have studied enough for one day. You climb into bed, switch your phone to silent and set your alarm an hour earlier than usual. You close your eyes and start to think about that hilarious meme your friend tagged you in on Facebook. What feels like an hour later, it’s 1am and you have watched every video on your feed and stalked every Instagrammer you love.



9. “I will get up an hour earlier and study some more…”

Remember that alarm set for an hour earlier than usual? Well now that is a joke, you snooze it for another hour and go back to sleep. Because obviously, sleep equals health  and that is way more important than good grades.


Sociology student who loves to write about the weird and wonderful quirks we all have as people. So proud to be apart of a strong community of womxn!