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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

The advancement of technology has paved the way for a fresh approach to dating. Gone are the days of stepping out of your comfort zone to mingle with strangers; now, the process is as effortless as unlocking your phone, navigating to the app store, and selecting a dating app to download. Yet, amidst this convenience, the real task lies in choosing the perfect dating app (unless, of course, you’re up for trying them all). In this article, we will delve into the top three most popular dating apps, providing insights into their functionality and features.


Where better to seek love than on a platform that emerged from the heartache of its creator? Hinge was created in 2013 by Justin McLeod after he was dumped by “the love of his life” after college. In his pursuit of connecting with others through technology, Hinge was born.

Upon downloading Hinge, you’re met with the phrase “designed to be deleted.” Now, why would an application wish for its own demise? In this context, I think it’s very fitting because the application is designed so that you meet your “match” and no longer have use for it (I can attest to this, but that’s a story for another day).

What I think sets Hinge apart is how you don’t need to spend ages trying to come up with a profile that consists of tired and overused pickup lines. I’m sure we’re all tired of hearing stuff like, “What’s your name? Or can I call you mine?” Instead, Hinge provides you with prompts that act as conversation starters and allows you to avoid the awkward “hi”. But that’s not all; for those who prefer hearing voices over seeing faces, Hinge also provides voice and video prompts that allow you to share funny moments. With its focus on bypassing awkwardness and getting straight to the heart of meaningful connections, Hinge aims to streamline the chatting process and, with any luck, secure you a date or two along the way.


Now, I understand that not everyone is on the hunt for love; some may simply seek a platform to forge friendships. While it’s true that other apps offer opportunities for friendship, I believe Bumble is the ideal choice for this purpose. During profile setup, you’re prompted to specify whether you’re seeking friends and community or aiming to “find your person,” ensuring you’re matched with like-minded individuals.

What truly distinguishes Bumble from its competitors is its speed-dating game. Every Thursday at 19:00, users can engage in three-minute conversations with strangers without seeing their appearance. This brief interaction liberates you from the concern of looks, allowing connections to form solely based on the content of your conversation. Once the speed-dating session concludes, you can decide whether you’d like to continue conversing with your newfound connection.


Now, let’s turn our attention to more casual pursuits. When it comes to Tinder, be prepared to encounter some refreshingly direct individuals. It’s widely known that most users gravitate towards Tinder for casual hookups or other forms of recreational fun, such as couples seeking a third person to join them. While such encounters aren’t exclusive to Tinder, they’re certainly more prevalent here.

Given its immense popularity, it’s highly likely that you’ll come across familiar faces on the app, which is why I don’t have much experience on the platform myself. So, if you happen to be on the lookout for a crush or a fleeting acquaintance, chances are you’ll stumble upon them while swiping through Tinder.

One of the greatest misconceptions about joining dating apps is the assumption that users are either unable to meet people in person or are desperately seeking love. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. People join these platforms for a multitude of reasons, whether it’s to expand their social circle, forge new friendships, or simply make connections in a new city.

Don’t allow the fear of being judged to stop you from exploring these avenues. The best love stories often begin with a chance encounter that leads to something meaningful. So, embrace the possibilities that dating apps offer, for your perfect match could be just a swipe away.

Information Systems Student | Writer & Creative Committee Member. When not immersed in coding, or data analysis, I’m a lover of art in all its forms. So you will probably find me reading a good book, journaling, taking pictures or purely gazing at art. If not, catch me at the nearest mall indulging in some retail therapy :)