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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Is it possible to decompress properly from a 9-week semester in a 10-day vacation? 

Short answer: no

Long answer:

Imagine eating the same fast food every single day, four times a day for two months. After two months you realize ‘okay hold on, my physical health is suffering’. So, you take initiative and decide to go on a health cleanse for ten days straight. Only, the problem is you’ve booked an all-you-can-eat buffet for yourself which happens, coincidently, in ten days’ time. You’re stuck with a dilemma. For the past two months of consuming the same food, you’ve gained more weight, gotten lazy to cook, spent so much money, sacrificed going out and spending time with your loved ones because you’re a broke boy and gotten bored and tired of eating the same thing every day. You’re unhappy with your physical appearance which is now affecting your mindset and contributing negatively to your mental health. It’s time to look after yourself and focus on improving your health. But is ten days enough to reset your body only to go back to your bad habits in just over a week? Sounds remotely impossible but you still try.



You start your ten-day cleanse off strong. You meal prep, exercise, get enough rest and make time to be with your friends and family. Things are great. The problem starts when you’re invited to a house party three days into your health cleanse. You go, thinking it’s going to be fun, and you can’t wait to see all your friends you’ve missed over the past two months. Alcohol is involved as well as a late-night run to Mc Donald’s for the munchies. You wake up the next morning, head pounding and not much recollection of the night before. No regrets. Except, your health cleanse goes out the window only three days in. Your hangover is severe. There’s no motivation to exercise, cook a healthy meal or quite frankly get out of bed. Mr Delivery looks appealing. You give in.



This is the equivalent of university bombarding us with an increasing amount of work for nine weeks straight and then allowing students to ‘rest’ for ten days. The ten days rest, however, is shortly lived with more assignments, research papers, practical tutorials and tests patiently awaiting our return after our ten-day vacation. What was supposed to be a ten-day vacation has now turned into a catch up sesh with your books and a chance to prepare for the work that lies ahead. A buffet of academic stress and demands, if you will.

Much like unhealthy eating and not taking good care of yourself, your physical and mental health takes a toll and it proves to be a near impossible task to alter in the short space of ten days. Your body is drained and your motivation is lacking. The pressure, demands and consistency of university life is extremely overwhelming but the end result outweighs the cons so we put ourselves through this day in and day out for the purpose of receiving a paper with a few words and stamps as a testimony of our hard work and determination. The opportunities that those few words and stamps on that page presents to you are endless and the pride and joy of your support system surrounding you when the dean hands you your degree is somewhat indescribable, or so I’ve heard.



Your body, mind and spirit after 9 weeks of non-stop grinding, all-nighters, early morning study sessions and everything in between is hardly put at ease during a ten-day vacation. And if you celebrate Easter, will be filled with Easter eggs and family time while attempting to fit in time spent with your books. If you’re someone who doesn’t celebrate Easter, your vacation looks relatively the same. The term to vacation ratio is not the most desired nor efficient however, there’s still a part of me, as overwhelmed as I am, that thinks this may be the preparation needed for when we enter the work force. With no recess, vacation, mid-semester break or term holiday to look forward to, some non-stop work throughout the year will prove to be rewarding and worth it.

Hang in there my fellow students! Make time for yourself and surround yourself with a solid support system. You got this!

An article a day doesn't keep the doctor away but it will keep you busy while you wait