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Are 5 Year Plans Necessary for Success?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

Real question: When last have you achieved your New Year’s Resolutions? And if you can’t stick to those, what are the chances you’ll stick to your 5 year plan?

We all learnt the importance of goal setting, whether long term or short term, in our beloved Life Orientation class. In an economical sense, 5 year plans (all thirteen of them) were put into place to speed up the production process. When we think about our own personal goals, however, it’s less about speeding up the process, increasing performance and passing expectations, but more about reminding us what we think is important and continuing on a path with some sort of direction and end destination. Planning and goal setting gives many a sense motivation, focus, drive and determination to reach goals, especially when there’s a deadline you have set for yourself.



What we so often forget while planning our future and creating interesting and aesthetically pleasing mood and vision boards are these questions: “What about tomorrow? Or next week?”

Firstly, tomorrow is not guaranteed. Every night when you set your alarm, you trust you will wake up and begin a new day. As upsetting as it may be, it’s reality that at any given time something unfortunate could happen and throw you way off track with not much you can do about it. Your vision board that’s on display in your room or study may start to look like another poster you stuck on your wall for decoration purposes.

We live in an age where if you want something, you can google it, order it, and it will be delivered to your door within 3-5 working days. Similarly, with cell phones, after two years your phone is old and outdated.  Multiple updates and more efficient models would have come out which offer more desired and innovative applications and software. We’re in a space where our expectations are high, patience is low, and speed is prioritized.

Who has the patience to wait 5 years for achievements and results of hard work you are doing now? Certainly not me! I want results now to validate my progress and motivate me to continue.



Looking at this realistically, after studying many people’s hope is to find employment in a field they’ve studied in, hoping to start where you want to be. But with lack of experience and being fresh out of university, it’s likely you’ll begin looking for jobs in association to what you have studied. Don’t let this discourage you, you’ll work your way up and sooner or later you’ll have your dream job. However, while gaining experience and exploring life your sort out path changes, your priorities begin to shift and your mindset alters.

Having a 5 year plan doesn’t make you more professional or organized, it just helps some people direct their life and push them to achieve.  Others prefer taking life as it comes and, with new opportunities and offers presenting themselves, only then is a decision made in which direction they choosing to go.

Goal setting is encouraged, celebrating small victories are important, and 5 year plans are not necessary for success. Achieve your goals and strive for greatness now- Why wait 5 years to do it?!


An article a day doesn't keep the doctor away but it will keep you busy while you wait