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Susan Yin/Unsplash

Your Finals Week Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

As the dreaded week of exams approaches, we see the rooms in Geisel filling up, the lines at Starbucks getting longer, and the bags under our eyes getting darker. The one constant in our lives though is our headphones that accompany us on our trudge to the library and back. Here’s a play list I’ve put together for you, whether you need some music to motivate you, listen to while you study, or relax for later.


To Motivate and Pump You Up:


  1. “Bitch Better Have My Money”- Rihanna

  2. “Formation”- Beyoncé

  3. “Black Skinhead”- Kanye West

  4. “Bonfire”- Childish Gambino

  5. “Pursuit of Happiness”- Kid Cudi, The Steve Aoki Remix

  6. “Breath of Life”- Florence and the Machine

  7. “Bad Girls”- M.I.A

  8. “Intoxicated”- Martin Solveig & GTA


For When You’re Just Chilling or Studying


  1. “Take a Walk”- Passion Pit

  2. “Clean”- Taylor Swift

  3. “Weight of Living, Pt. 1”- Bastille

  4. “The Writer”- Ellie Goulding

  5. “Life in Technicolor II”- Coldplay

  6. “King and Lionheart”- Of Monsters and Men

  7. “Send My Love (To Your New Lover)”- Adele

  8. “Polaroid”- Imagine Dragons


For Those of You Who Need Music Without Lyrics:


  1. “Only The Beginning of the Adventure”- From The Chronicles of Narnia soundtrack: Harry Gregson-Williams

  2. “Indian Summer”- Jai Wolf

  3. “The Life Cycle”- Michele McLaughlin

  4. “Arwen’s Vigil”- The Piano Guys

  5. “Song For Rome”- Brian Crain

  6. “Ashokan Farewell”- Fiddle Fever

  7. And literally anything by Explosions in the Sky


Good luck, and happy listening Tritons!

Ranju is a first year at UCSD in Eleanor Roosevelt College. She's currently trying to figure out her life when it comes to school, but doing pretty well keeping up with her TV shows.
UCSD '16 Political Science- American Politics Major