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Why We Should All Be Activists

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to travel to Sacramento with 40 other UCSD students under the supervision of the Associated Students Office of External Affairs to lobby legislatures at the Capitol about legislation that affects UC students. After a dreary 10 hour bus ride, we arrived at the Conference hosted by the University of California Student Association. 
Remember the talk of tuition hikes last fall? Well, I spent my weekend learning how to convince legislatures to change their minds about how the budget is allocated and to ask them to consider allocating more money for higher education. Before attending this conference, I had always had an interest in government and politics, but never followed any bills too closely. Attending these workshops made me realize the importance of educating myself on the bills that are begin introduced that affect me as a student in the UC system.
UC tuition prices are already at an all time high, and financial aid is not keeping up with the increasing prices. Being surrounded by other people in the UC system who were in the same position as me made me realize that while my one voice might not mean anything, together we have the opportunity to make an impact on the way the legislators that WE voted into office votes. Which brings up a more important point, I know being in college and not having a full-time career job makes it seem that the government is irrelevant to us and that there is no point in getting involved and educating ourselves about current affairs, but it is! There are plenty of bills that relate to us as students, and without the input of students, the government will be influenced by outside parities to pass/write laws that are unfavorable to students.
So, no matter what major you are, or what issue you are passionate about, I suggest you educate yourself on the issue and fight for the issues that effect you. Democracy and freedom of speech is what makes America the best country in the world!
UCSD '16 Political Science- American Politics Major
Jasmine is currently a senior at the University of California, San Diego. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Education Studies. Jasmine is the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UCSD, along with the amazing Taylor Zepeda. Jasmine spends most of her time volunteering at low socioeconomic status elementary schools across the San Diego county and grading papers for classes she is a Teacher's Assistant in. Novel wise, she is an avid fan of Edith Wharton and the Lord of the Rings series. She also loves comedic shows like New Girl and The Big Bang Theory, but also enjoys thrillers like Criminal Minds. One of Jasmine's favorite hobbies is trying foods of different cultures; she loves visiting cultural nights and community festivals. Above all, Jasmine worships Beyonce (a.k.a. Beysus, Queen Bee, Baeyonce, etc). Her future aspiration in life is to become the Secretary of Education and have the Hov and B over for dinners.