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Student Spotlight: It’s Her Time to Shine, Aubriana Hieb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Let’s meet Aubriana, a student here at UCSD majoring in political science.

October 14, 2021

Time for Q&A

What are you studying? … What field do you want to get into? 

I’m studying political science. I’m still not sure what field I want to get into, but I’m hoping to explore potential careers within political science this year.

How has the pandemic changed you in a good way? 

The pandemic has made me want to be more social. Before COVID, I tended to keep to myself. However, during the pandemic, I’ve realized how important it is for me to spend time with friends. It has made me want to be more involved on campus and spend more time meeting people.

Any hobbies or interests? 

I love listening to music. I like most genres, so I enjoy making playlists to organize my music and share new songs with my friends.

If you could star in a movie, which movie would it be?

I would star in the movie Her so I could be neighbors with Amy Adams.

Where do you want to travel? 

I would like to travel anywhere outside of the US. I’ve never left the country, so I think experiencing a different place in the world would be super fun.

What is your best memory of UCSD of San Diego so far? 

My best memory of UCSD is just being on campus this year. Being able to have an almost normal college experience after virtual school last year has been more fun than I thought it would be, and makes me very excited for the next three years at UCSD.

Hello! Feel free to call me Ann! I'm formerly a UCSD student with a major in Communications! I pride myself on writing fictional novels in my spare moments and I aspire to become a self-published author one day! When I'm not busy typing away, I enjoy traveling, reading (and watching) horror and thrillers, and occasionally, watching MMA.