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To Slang or Not To Slang?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Slang, a word used to describe different occurrences, people, and society but it is only known by the people of the same environment.

Slang is fun, right? But when do these words pass the line? When do these concepts begin to offend and form a negative connotation that does not need to be released?  

Let’s begin with some of the most common words:



Used: This word is used to acknowledge someone, whether it is a friend or some other person. This is most likely used in terms of endearment.

Why not to say it: This word has negative history and connotation. Although the “r” isn’t in the word, it still has very similar effects. Despite rappers and singers using the word, it should not be a common noun. This word was used as demeaning and to maintain racial segregation. It was used to degrade and has sub-meanings such as “Lazy, an object, underserving” and so on.

So how is this a term of endearment when it was used to objectify someone?


“That ____ raped me”

Used: This word is used to describe something difficult. Specifically exam, or interview or any other occurrence that was difficult and stressful. When one feels defeated, they say this.

Why not to use it: Rape is a very serious and emotional occurrence. If this term is constantly used it signifies the experience. People that go through rape feel helpless and are forced to suffer with the immense about of emotional and mental consequences. Rape is a rising issue, especially in college and needs to be treated as serious as it is.

So why make the term rape seem as if it’s not that serious?


“Fag, gay….”

Used: Despite the word “gay” actually meaning happy, these words are used in a negative connotation. It is used as a mocking manner, demeaning; it can be used as stupid and so on.

Why not to use it: Sexuality is an identity. With gay marriage becoming legal and people finally expressing who they are despite the hate received, this word shouldn’t be used in the negative context. I mean how would you feel if the term “straight” was used in a negative way? It’s as if saying your identity is something you should be ashamed of.

Why would you want people to be ashamed of who they are?



Used: To lightly describe someone of Latino culture. This is used to describe the stereotypical aspect; its main purpose is to emphasize the fact that Latinos consume beans.

Why not to say it: This term is also used to belittle someone in the sense of them being in poverty, and being beneath others. This term basically suggests that they are of poor decent, that all they consume and make are beans and so on. It separate them into a category based on the color of their skin and their nationality. This term is used as a form of segregation.

What if someone called you pizza, meaning greasy and cheap?


“I feel so depressed”

Used: When someone is having a bad day and they feel upset, they use this term to illustrate that they are upset. This term is used to illustrate having a negative event occur.

Why not to say it: Depression is a serious mental illness; it is something people have to struggle through on a daily basis. To use it lightly is not only inconsiderate to everyone struggling with this disease but it also treats the term as if it’s something to be said casually. Sad and depression are completely different things; it can be the difference between a paper cut and being hospitalized.

What if instead of people saying “I’m tired” they say “I feel like I have cancer”?



Used: This term is used in order to call someone weak. It is used as an insult so that the person does the action in order to prove themselves. It’s used to emasculate people.

Why not to say it:  This term is basically suggesting that females are weak. It’s like saying “you throw like a girl” but much weaker. Then “You have balls” is used as a positive connotation. Technically, in the world of biology, vaginas are much stronger than balls. This term also states that the area that was used to give birth to you isn’t something honorable.

What if someone called you weak based on a body part?



Used: This term is used when there are ticking noises, or as a light joke towards people of Middle Eastern decent. This word is also used to negatively describe someone that may seem weird or unusual.

Why not to say it: Not only is this term used for segregation, but it is putting people in a category that is very threating. This term is not only offending someone’s appearance and culture but also their religion. It is stating that they want to cause harm to others, especially now with everything happening. It is saying that those people are dangerous and should not be able to be around others.

What if someone called you a murderer based on your looks? 


These are just some of the commonly used slang words that also perpetuate stereotypes. Hopefully this will get you thinking about what you’re saying and how you’re using common slang in your everyday language.

Writer, reader, loves giving life advice and inspiring people!
Rebecca is a second year student majoring in Cognitive Science. Her goal is to either be involved in Alzheimer's research or be a child psychologist. She helped plan recruitment for her sorority this year and enjoys soaking up the sun at the beach.