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Meet Sarah DeVore: Campus Leader With Big Dreams In Politics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Junior Sarah DeVore is involved all over campus. She is currently the President of the ERC Student Council, as well as a member of the Panhellenic Board and Continuing Member Educator for her sorority, Delta Delta Delta. She is an extremely hard worker and hopes to one day work in politics (you may see her on the ballot one day!)

Year: 3rd

Major: International Studies-Poli Sci

Leadership Positions? I currently serve as the President of Student Council of Eleanor Roosevelt College (SCERC) and as the VP of External Relations for Panhellenic. Additionally, I just began my position as Continuing Education Chair for my sorority, Tri Delta. I’ve served on both SCERC and my chapter’s officer council since freshman year, and I can’t imagine college without either of these two amazing organizations.

Favorite experience at UCSD so far?It would probably be Spirit Night 2014. I had blue streaks in my hair and UCSD written across my face, and I have never in my life ever been so into a basketball game!

What is your dream job?I know I want to work in politics and the government in one way or another, and I’ve always dreamed of being a Senator!

Advice to incoming freshman?Don’t let other people influence your major choice- find what you are passionate about. And GPA is important, but it’s not the most important thing. I’m a firm believer that when I do look back on my college years I won’t be remembering that awful math class I took (and the equally awful grade I got in it), but instead the amazing times I spent with my friends doing literally nothing but having the time of our lives anyways. Get out of your comfort zone FAST and don’t be afraid to say yes to opportunities that may scare you, whether it’s applying for a leadership position you think you’re not qualified for (you are!), studying abroad, or just taking the chance and talking to the cute person in your discussion! These four years will most certainly fly by, and you don’t want to look back your senior year and think that you should have done more.

Most valuable thing you learned from your various leadership roles?If you don’t speak up, no one is going to know your opinion, and your opinion is just as valid and important as anyone else’s. I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is to use my voice and share my ideas because when people come together and share their experiences and the very different things they bring to the table, you can accomplish so much!

What do you love about UCSD?All the people I have met and friends I have made. I have been forever changed by the many amazing, hilarious, inspiring, hardworking, caring and humble people I have had the pleasure of meeting in my time here so far. Add to that living literally right next to the beach and there’s nothing more you need.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?It’s really scary to think about me as 30, but I would hope that in 10 years I will have figured just a little more out about this crazy thing we call life. I could see myself living in D.C. or London and having a job I find fulfilling, although I’m not sure what that will be yet and having a great group of friends and family to lean on like I do now.

Favorite motivational quote?This is a really tough question for me because anyone who has seen my room knows that my walls are covered in pictures of quotes. But the one that got me through fall quarter was “be thankful for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow.” I think it’s important to be grateful for how far you’ve come, but to always be working on growing even more.

UCSD '16 Political Science- American Politics Major
Taylor is currently a senior at the University of California, at San Diego where she is studying for a BA in Communication Studies. She is the Co-Correspondent of the HC UCSD chapter, and also a member of the lovely Alpha Omicron Pi, Lambda Iota chapter. While she isn't busy reading 50 pages every day for her communication classes, she enjoys reading a plethora of other types of books (especially anything by Malcolm Gladwell!). Other interests include eating Gouda-grilled cheese sandwiches, drinking lots and lots of tea, attending concerts, watching Parks and Recreation, and attempting to buy every beauty product that Ulta and Sephora can offer. She has also been self-proclaimed as Katy Perry's #1 fan #katycat4life.