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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.
Matt Adamo is a 3rd year Political Science major/ Business minor from Eleanor Roosevelt College. For the past two years at UCSD he has been actively involved in Greek life, particularly with his fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha, where he has held multiple positions on the Executive Board and is now Vice President of External Affairs. On top of his involvement in Greek life, he recently founded a new organization on campus, the Conch Club, which aims to boost school spirit and attendance at UCSD sporting events campus wide. In an interview with this ambitious young man, he enlightened us on the role and functionality of his two organizations and offered some inspirational words to his audience:     
Q: What are you currently involved in on campus?
A: I am the founder and president (a.k.a. “The Head Concho”) of the Conch Club. UC San Diego is one of the top academic schools in the nation, so why is it that our athletics don’t follow in those footsteps? The answer lies with the students: school spirit. Students at UCSD always think: “How can I make the most of my experience here at school?” The Conch Club was founded to make the college experience come alive. This club strives to promote extraordinary school spirit for all varsity athletic events. The three main goals are: support our athletes, improve the uninvolved atmosphere on campus, and of course, have the time of our lives in college. The club attempts to bring excitement to the student body through pre-game tailgates, designated seating, coordinated cheers, Triton accessories, and more.In addition to the Conch Club, I have also been a proud member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity since fall quarter of my freshman year (2012). Since initiation, I have held multiple positions on the Executive Board. I am now the External Vice President and don’t plan on stopping there. Pi Kappa Alpha is a fraternity that strives for the best in all aspects of life. One of the lasting results from being a member of Pike is the strong, lifelong bond, which is seen in the fraternity motto: Once a Pike, Always a Pike. We pride ourselves on having unparalleled tradition and ritual. Although brotherhood and social relations are two of the more important areas in the fraternity, supporting our community by donating our time and money is our top priority. Our national fraternity supports the Firefighter Relief Association, so we are proud to be starting the Fireman’s Challenge at UC San Diego this year. I enjoy being an extremely active member in Pike because this fraternity has shaped me into the man I am today. The values of our fraternity have such a huge influence on the life of all the members and myself: Scholars, Leaders, Athletes, and Gentlemen.
Q: If you had all the money and time in the world right now, what would you do?
A: This is a tough one because there are too many things I would want to do, but I’ll try to keep the list short. I would ensure good health and safety for everyone around the world (sorry that’s cliché). After that was handled, I would buy all of La Jolla, so UC San Diego could get an awesome football team and a legendary Greek Row on the cliffs above Black’s Beach. Once all my true friends and family have everything they want, I would move to a tranquil home in Kauai to surf, play basketball, and relax with my family and friends for the rest of my life.
Q: What’s your dream job?
A: If I could do anything in the world, I would be an NBA player who later becomes the President of the United States.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish this year?
A: With the Tailgates for the Conch Club and other upcoming events that will be crazy, my goal this year is to help destroy the reputation of “UC Socially Dead.” On a more personal level, I want to maintain and improve my close friendships while staying focused on school work. 
Q: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
A: “I can accept failure… But I can’t accept not trying” -Michael Jordan
Jasmine is currently a senior at the University of California, San Diego. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Education Studies. Jasmine is the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UCSD, along with the amazing Taylor Zepeda. Jasmine spends most of her time volunteering at low socioeconomic status elementary schools across the San Diego county and grading papers for classes she is a Teacher's Assistant in. Novel wise, she is an avid fan of Edith Wharton and the Lord of the Rings series. She also loves comedic shows like New Girl and The Big Bang Theory, but also enjoys thrillers like Criminal Minds. One of Jasmine's favorite hobbies is trying foods of different cultures; she loves visiting cultural nights and community festivals. Above all, Jasmine worships Beyonce (a.k.a. Beysus, Queen Bee, Baeyonce, etc). Her future aspiration in life is to become the Secretary of Education and have the Hov and B over for dinners.