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Life > Experiences

Life Lessons that my Grandparents Taught Me

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

I have been lucky enough to have my grandparents all throughout my childhood and till now. I honestly don’t know what kind of person I would be without them. They are my biggest supporters in everything I do and they continue to inspire me on a daily basis. I will forever cherish the many lessons that they have taught me. Because of them, I believe that the older you get, the wiser you become.

The first lesson that comes to my mind when I think about my grandparents is to live one day at a time. For the past eight years my grandpa has battled cancer on and off, and at one point my grandma fell and broke her pelvis. My grandparents have dealt with whatever life throws their way by embracing each day and doing their best to not become overwhelmed by the future. I hold this lesson dear to my heart and whenever I find myself wishing time away, I hear my grandma’s voice urging me to live in the present moment.

My grandma and grandpa have also taught me to persevere and that anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I have never met anyone as strong as the two of them. My grandpa has lived through numerous surgeries over the last eight years and to this day he intends to “keep beating the odds” with his cancer diagnosis. On top of their determination to overcome their health problems, they amaze me with their ability to complete tasks that I couldn’t even manage. You would never expect that a man in his 80s and a woman in her 70s could cut up an entire tree in their yard all by themselves! The best part of this is that my grandpa is often out in the yard wearing his striped pajamas. Their physical and mental strength inspires me to push myself even when I’m drowning in self doubt.

They have taught me that growing older doesn’t mean that you have to stop doing the things you love. My grandpa plays his guitar all the time and each time I visit I can expect a mini lesson. The music he plays is immensely special to our family. When I think of my grandma and what she loves, I think about her ability to give everyone the most special gifts and her commitment to spend time with her family. My grandma has always prioritized family dinners and ensuring that everyone is taken care of. She has never failed to bring our family together. The two of them remind me that all of life can be fulfilling.  

When I miss my grandparents, I always hear both of their laughs. Some of my favorite memories revolve around my grandma laughing so hard she sticks her tongue out or my grandpa laughing to the point of tears. They have taught me to laugh as much as I can and to find happiness in every moment possible. 

One of the most important lessons I learned from my grandparents is to always tell others that I love them. Instead of saying bye when hanging up the phone, my grandparents end their calls by saying “love.” This ensures that the last word will always remind us how much we are loved. With them as an example, I make sure to express my love and gratitude to those I care about daily.

The list of lessons could go on and on. My grandparents are some of the best role models I could ever ask for. Throughout my life, I know that I will always recall what they taught me and I hope that one day I can share some of these same lessons with my grandchildren when I am older and wiser. 

Anna Claire is a third year at UCSD, majoring in Political Science with an emphasis in American Politics. She loves to read, write, go on hikes and is passionate about social justice. After undergrad, she plans on attending law school. Her favorite places to be are the beach or in the desert surrounded by Joshua Trees and a starry sky.