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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Coronavirus struck us all when we all least expected it. Who would have thought that we would experience a global pandemic during our lifetime? Before the madness occurred I was living my best life, creating unforgettable memories, and building great relationships. As time went by and the news broke out that we would be under quarantine, I did not know what to do with myself. School has gotten complicated, the number of opportunities has decreased, there is nowhere that I can go, and I am constantly in my thoughts.

Online classes are not ideal for me. I feel lost and I have no clue what I am supposed to be doing since everyone is still getting adjusted. Not having to physically attend a lecture and just having to open up my computer to watch a lecture from home can be extremely distracting. I was super excited and motivated about my classes during the Spring quarter, but now I am lacking motivation which can tarnish my grades. I definitely took my campus for granted. I miss waking up and walking to class, getting in a breath of fresh air and interacting with others. If I could go back I would not complain about having to wake up and walk to class. I now desperately wish that I could do that.

Being stuck in the house and not being able to go catch up with a friend or go out after a long week of school is tough. Before this, I was having the most fun that I have ever had in my life. I was living away from home and had the freedom to do what I wanted, while still being responsible, of course. I miss hanging out with friends, listening to music and just dancing without a care in the world. Forgetting about how stressful the week was and how stressful the upcoming week will be. Just simply being a college student experiencing new things and having fun. 

Now, I am constantly in my thoughts. I am constantly on social media and end up comparing myself to others, wondering what I can physically change about myself and wishing that I looked like someone else. This creates a toxic cycle that needs to be broken but is hard when I am unable to do most of the things that make me happy. I am also constantly thinking about people from my past that I should not be thinking about. I am naturally an over-thinker and now with much more time on my hands my brain overthinks 24/7! 

Woman sitting alone
Priscilla Du Preez, via Unsplash

However, throughout these hard times, I have found ways to cope with everything. One thing that I try doing is looking at the positive side of things. Having to move back home has given me more time to spend with my family. I am also focusing on myself more now that I have more time. The second thing that I have been doing is working out from home. I have always enjoyed working out and going to the gym but it was hard to find time in between my busy schedule. I have now found time to do home workouts. This really helps me relax and not think about the outside world. I now have a better appreciation for the little things in life more and have a changed perspective on this lifestyle change. Before this, I think we can all say that we did not appreciate things as we should have. 

Yes, Coronavirus has disrupted my life, but it is not the end of the world. This experience has taught me to appreciate life more. Yes, online classes are very unorganized right now, but throughout time as we get used to it. We will eventually adapt to this. Also, I may not be able to see my friends right now, but I am now able to spend more time with my family and build an even stronger bond with them. I believe that overthinking has definitely been one of the worse things I have been experiencing throughout all this but I am finding techniques that help relax my mind and my body. Once this is all over, I cannot wait to return back to San Diego with a stronger mind and more appreciative mindset. I am curious to see what will happen next and how long this will go on for. I hope to be back in the summer and make up for all the lost time!


Zaira Garcia is a first-generation student at the University of California San Diego. She is currently a third-year Marshall College student majoring in Public Health. She enjoys fashion, cooking, fitness, makeup, science, and spending time with friends and family.
Her Campus at UCSD aims to create a more open platform for women to share their ideas and passions with the rest of the college community. Our writers are students of all different majors who share the same passion for writing and media and are excited to bring more fun articles for the UCSD community and others to indulge in and enjoy.