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HC UCSD’s Valentine’s Day Outfits: Part 2!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, ladies! Have you planned a romantic evening with your significant other, or are you waiting for them to come up with something special? But more importantly, what are you going to wear? Personally, I would suggest something subtlely sexy and comfortable. Let’s save the more seductive and revealing clothing for another night! You need something that will make a dazzling impression on your significant other, something that will make them go “wow.” Her Campus has some stylish options, ranging from least to most formal; we’ve got you covered no matter what you plan to do or where you plan to go!

1. Floral Frenzy

Florals are fun, fresh, and effortlessly cute. They are perfect for a day date or a movie night!

2. Lace for Days 

Lace is the perfect romantic fabric. It is feminine and luxurious but still perfectly simple. Wear it for a dinner out! 

3. Glam Girl

Looking for something with a little more sparkle? Try a dress decked in sequins or made from a metallic fabric. This look is great for dancing the night away! 

What you decide on really depends on what you have planned and your personal style. I’d suggest something floral because it’s pretty, something lace because it’s classy and romantic, and glam because it’s fun and just a little bit sexy. Besides, most girls will plan their outfit according to the three colors of Valentine’s Day and stick with red, pink and white. So let’s mix it up!Try different outfits with your hair up or down, just have fun and enjoy yourself!

Also, still scrambling to make some plans? Her Campus suggests trying to learn something new with your significant other! We’d love to go camping, visit a hot spring, get a couple’s massage, go on a themed cruise, or try an exotic cuisine. Valentine’s Day seems often to be just another way for businesses to sell us things, but there is no reason it, and every day with your significant other, shouldn’t be romantic, as well! 

No matter what you decide to wear or do, don’t stress out, collegiettes! Valentine’s Day is a great day, and good luck!

My name is Kimberly Wong and I am currently a Psychology major attending UCSD. I love talking about relationships, fashion, school, and lifestyle related topics.