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Campus Cuties: Jeff Cho and Tiffany Hinchey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Meet one of UCSD’s cutest couples and HC’s newest pair of campus cuties: Jeff Cho and Tiffany Hinchey! From best friends to love birds, this adorable duo cherishes every moment together and looks forward to the journey ahead of them.


Name: Jeff Cho

Major: Management Science

Year: Senior


Name: Tiffany Hinchey

Major: General Biology

Year: Sophomore

How did you guys meet?

J: We met during fall rush week at UCSD, but I got to know her more personally during winter quarter.

T: We met during our first week of school; he was a third year transfer and I was an incoming freshman. We weren’t very close in the beginning but we grew really close in the span of a few weeks during winter quarter.  

Length of your relationship?

J: Almost 9 months!

T: May 18th will be our nine-month anniversary! 

What’s your favorite thing about Jeff/ Tiffany?

J: I like that I can be myself with her; I don’t have to put on a mask and pretend that I’m someone else. She accepts me and loves me for who I am, and I appreciate that the most.

T: Jeff’s a dork. He may come off as big and strong, but he’s such a warm-hearted sucker with a very goofy side to him. He’s pretty much like my teddy bear.

What is your favorite thing to do together?

J: Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat. We can be proactive when we need to be, but during our free time we like to workout so that we can eat more.

T: Eat. Basically anything we do together is fun, but boy do we love to eat.

What is your favorite memory together?

J: She surprised me on my birthday by taking me to Disneyland without telling me where we were going. It was quite a touching birthday surprise!

T: I guess I would have to say the day we went to Disneyland together. We weren’t dating at the time (it was actually two or three weeks before we started dating), but I knew he wanted to hold my hand pretty badly. 

How do you make time for each other?

J: We are college students, so we have quite a bit of time to spend with each other.

T: We always manage to make time for each other whether we’re just studying or working out together, stopping by each other’s places on our way to wherever we need to be, taking study breaks, or dropping off food or anything necessary for each other.

What are three words to describe Jeff/ Tiffany?

J: The first would be loving; she pours unconditional love into our relationship and never fails to make me smile. The next would be dorky because she can laugh at just about anything; I’m not sure where she gets all the giddy happiness from, but she will feel no shame to laugh at her own jokes. Finally, I’d say self-respectful. It’s hard to come across a woman these days with morals, values, and respect for themselves. Although she can act like such a little girl sometimes, she knows her boundaries.

T: I’d say playful because Jeff always has some sort of witty comment up his sleeve. He’s a very simple guy and he can always make the best of every situation. Even when others are dead silent and serious, Jeff has a way of making us the only two to be laughing in a corner. He’s also genuine; Jeff may have a hard time showing his feelings and opening up to others, but if he loves you, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for you. The last one I’d say is independent; I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody as independent at this age as Jeff. He really does motivate and inspire me to be the best that I can be.

What do you two have in common?

J: Everything. We are very similar in numerous ways, but that can sometimes get us into trouble because we can both be very stubborn.

T: We’re basically the same person in different bodies. The only difference is that he’s not a girl. From our humor to the way we handle certain situations, I would say that we’re two peas in a pod.

What do you both look forward to in your time together?

J: Rather than being materialistic and enjoying expensive dinners, I think we simply enjoy each other’s company and that makes us happy.

T: Jeff is going to be graduating soon, so I just want to be able to enjoy his presence as much as I can. Every day with him is my new favorite day.