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Campus Cutie: Megan Ewbank

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


Name: Megan Ewbank


Major: Visual Arts (Media)


College: Muir


Year: Senior


Hometown: Fresno, CA


Favorite place to eat in San Diego: AHH. San Diego has some great eats. This is a tough one. I’ll have to go with Stacked. That place is delicious.


If you could travel to any place in the world (all expenses paid!), where would you go? Greece. Or Ireland. Or both, since I’m not paying! Also, I really want to go to Disney World.


If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional, with whom would it be? I wouldn’t mind trading places with whoever is currently dating Joseph Gordon Levitt.


If you were written about in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say? “Megan Ewbank Takes Award Winning Photograph”. That’d be cool.


What is your dream job? Professional photographer. I want to go into marketing and take photos of products, lifestyle, or people for companies.


If you could run a business’s (or brand) Instragram account, which business would you choose? Probably Lauren Conrad’s business. She seriously just encompasses perfection. Her Instagram is perfection: there’s baked goods, nail polish, and hair styles. What more could you want?!


If you had to choose between visiting your family, or visiting Disneyland for a week, which would you choose? My parents would kill me, but Disneyland. That place is irresistible!


What is one secret or random fact about yourself that no one would believe? I’m secretly a giant nerd. Actually, it’s not a secret. And, I’m sure you would believe it.


Are you pro Peeta or Gale? PEETA. PEETA. PEETA. Also, team J. Hutch.

Taylor is currently a senior at the University of California, at San Diego where she is studying for a BA in Communication Studies. She is the Co-Correspondent of the HC UCSD chapter, and also a member of the lovely Alpha Omicron Pi, Lambda Iota chapter. While she isn't busy reading 50 pages every day for her communication classes, she enjoys reading a plethora of other types of books (especially anything by Malcolm Gladwell!). Other interests include eating Gouda-grilled cheese sandwiches, drinking lots and lots of tea, attending concerts, watching Parks and Recreation, and attempting to buy every beauty product that Ulta and Sephora can offer. She has also been self-proclaimed as Katy Perry's #1 fan #katycat4life.