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Campus Cutie: Max Dutreix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.
Name: Max Dutreix
Major: Engineering Physics 
Year: 5th year
Hometown: Mulhouse, France
Where is your favorite place to eat in San Diego? Manna Korean BBQ. 
What is your biggest pet peeve? I hate dirty restrooms…or dirty roommates…just dirty people in general!
Name something you enjoy that few people know about: I’m a big fan a Science Fiction literature, that’s what I read on my spare time. Also, I watch the Batman animated series. It’s supposed to be for kids… but it’s really good. I still watch it. 
Why did you choose to leave France to study at UCSD? There’s no short answer for that. I always wanted to study in the U.S…. it was a dream for me, but I also wanted to be on a college tennis team. At first, I wanted to apply to UC Berkley, but the tennis team was way too good for me. So, I needed to find a college that I could participate in athletically, while still challenging me academically. UCSD was
a good fit for me. It was important for me to experience college athletic life in America. We don’t really have that in Europe. 
What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? First, I think it’s making it here to the US… it’s not easy for international students. Additionally, being able to maintain a good GPA. It’s difficult when you’re put in a new environment and have to perform. I’m pretty proud of being a student and an athlete. It’s a major time commitment and it’s not easy to balance. 
Where do you see yourself in five years? I’ll never settle down in life. I’ll always be traveling. Eventually, I hope to be a CEO and  create my own company… make a lot of money.
Who is your celebrity crush? There are so many! Right now I’d say Kaley Cuoco (Penny from ‘The Big Bang Theory’). I really like her!
What characteristics do you look for in a girl? I like people who evolve and are constantly changing and bringing something new to the  world. She has to be passionate about something, and I don’t like selfish people. So she has to be selfless. 
What characteristics are absolute deal breakers? I don’t like party girls, shallow girls, or smokers.
Describe an embarrassing situation from your life: I try to forget about stuff like that, but okay…I remember going to Revelle college orientation day. They called up all the international students to give a speech to introduce ourselves in front of like two hundred people. I did not know how to speak English very well yet, so when they called my name I tried to put words together. I don’t think anyone understood a word I said!
Jasmine is currently a senior at the University of California, San Diego. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Education Studies. Jasmine is the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UCSD, along with the amazing Taylor Zepeda. Jasmine spends most of her time volunteering at low socioeconomic status elementary schools across the San Diego county and grading papers for classes she is a Teacher's Assistant in. Novel wise, she is an avid fan of Edith Wharton and the Lord of the Rings series. She also loves comedic shows like New Girl and The Big Bang Theory, but also enjoys thrillers like Criminal Minds. One of Jasmine's favorite hobbies is trying foods of different cultures; she loves visiting cultural nights and community festivals. Above all, Jasmine worships Beyonce (a.k.a. Beysus, Queen Bee, Baeyonce, etc). Her future aspiration in life is to become the Secretary of Education and have the Hov and B over for dinners.