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Campus Cutie: Emma Fields

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.

Name: Emma Fields

Year: Senior

Major: Management Science

Hometown: Irvine

Relationship status: Single

If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it? Buy copious amounts of burritos and spicy carrots and travel the world.

Who’s your main celeb crush? Taylor Kitsch AKA Riggins from Friday Night Lights

Favorite movie? Too many to choose from, but Zoolander and Pride & Prejudice are always up there.

Favorite food? Burritos, or any type of Mexican food

What’s one thing you want to do at UCSD before you graduate that you haven’t already done? Go inside the little blue house on top of Jacobs Hall.

Taylor is currently a senior at the University of California, at San Diego where she is studying for a BA in Communication Studies. She is the Co-Correspondent of the HC UCSD chapter, and also a member of the lovely Alpha Omicron Pi, Lambda Iota chapter. While she isn't busy reading 50 pages every day for her communication classes, she enjoys reading a plethora of other types of books (especially anything by Malcolm Gladwell!). Other interests include eating Gouda-grilled cheese sandwiches, drinking lots and lots of tea, attending concerts, watching Parks and Recreation, and attempting to buy every beauty product that Ulta and Sephora can offer. She has also been self-proclaimed as Katy Perry's #1 fan #katycat4life.