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5 Ways to Tell You’re Crushing, For Real!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.


Let’s talk about love, ladies! As we all know, love is a subjective thing- what others call love might differ from what you do. The concept of crushing, though, is a little different, though, and slightly more universal.  Crushing on someone generally means liking someone from a distance, or on a more superficial level.  Maybe you love their looks, or the small talk you exchange before class, or the fact that they play a sport. A crush can definitely develop into more as your relationship progresses and you get to actually know one another, but sometimes, a crush remains, well, just a crush. We’ve all crushed on someone at one point or another, but sometimes it’s hard to tell if you are genuinely interested, so Her Campus is here to help! Should you pursue a relationship, or write it off as simple infatuation? If all or most of the following habits apply to you, you are crazy about your crush, in the absolute best way.
1. You think about him before you fall asleep.
This one may sound a little cliche, but if your crush passes through your thoughts before you get some shut eye, it’s clear that he is at the forefront of your mind.  
2. You wander around and end up in places that remind you of him.
Remember that time you were supposed to walk to lecture hall, but wound up at the table at which you and your crush shared lunch? Ending up somewhere that you two meet occasionally or that he often hangs out is a telltale sign that your crush could be a more serious attraction.  
3. You smile at things that remind you of him.  
Smiling at things that bring up memories of your crush indicates that you love thinking about him.  It is likely that your feelings for him are more sincere because you are attributing his specific qualities to items and to memories, as well.    
4. You wonder what he is doing “right now”, a lot.
Hey, you wouldn’t wonder about just anyone!  
5. Thoughts of him distract you when you should be focused elsewhere.
Whether it be during studying for a midterm, reading a book, or doing something as simple as eating, thinking of him with no reminder present shows that you can’t get him out of your head.  
My name is Kimberly Wong and I am currently a Psychology major attending UCSD. I love talking about relationships, fashion, school, and lifestyle related topics.