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5 Essential Items to Tackle Long Days on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSD chapter.
So, collegiettes, it’s your later college years. You may have liked your on-campus housing, but now you’re living off campus and loving it. You’re feeling like a real adult; having to pay bills and do dishes isn’t the best, but the freedom you feel is definitely worth it. At home in an apartment or house, it’s easy to forget you’re even a college student. But then you realize that, for one reason or another, this quarter you’ll be spending long class days on campus. Maybe you have a completely stacked schedule, or maybe you’ve got a few classes with long breaks, or maybe you have a million extracurriculars. Those long campus days can be daunting, but they’re made easier with a few simple items. Read on to find out what Her Campus recommends for conquering prolonged on-campus days!
1. A great set of Tupperware. Our first item is for collegiettes who are looking to be economically savvy. With six to ten hour days spent on campus, you’ll need to eat, and on-campus options can be expensive. Her Campus recommends packing meals, and when it comes to food storage, the right Tupperware is a must. Assess your needs and food preferences to find what’s best for you. Do you love salads? Find Tupperware with attachable silverware to avoid making messes (and finding a spare fork in your backpack weeks later). Do you prefer to eat a little bit of everything at meal times?Choose Tupperware with separate sections to keep your different foods apart and fresh. There are tons of options!
2. Sunglasses. Sunglasses can really be crucial when it comes to lengthy La Jolla days. The perfect pair can turn your cross-campus walk from a blinding excursion to an enjoyable, relaxing stroll. Sunglasses provide protection for your eyes, and the good news is that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get an awesome pair. Check out Forever21 or American Eagle for classic and affordable styles.
3. A bag or backpack with multiple pockets. Nothing is more frustrating on campus then searching for your wallet at Perks, or your assignment during class, and only being able to find a mix of other items in your bag. The solution? A bag or backpack with a lot (a lot!) of pockets. With the extra space, it’s easy to keep your lunch separate from your homework and your gym clothes apart from your snack collection. The added organization will keep your days efficient, and your mind clear of clutter.
4. Protein bars. This one may seem oddly specific, but stick with us. We all know this situation: it’s your last class of the day and, so far, you’ve been the picture of studiousness. You’ve been answering questions and taking notes, but now, the grumble in your stomach is making anything hard to accomplish. Having a protein bar (or a similar snack high in protein) can curb your hunger until you’re home for a real meal. These little guys are easy to store, too!
5. Electronics chargers. If you are someone who relies on electronics, be sure to stash your chargers before heading out the door in the morning. Bringing chargers for your phone, computer, or tablet can seem like a no-brainer, but it escapes us surprisingly often. Keeping your electronics charged makes sure that you are able to do your assignments, take notes, and essentially get the most out of your classes.
There we have it, ladies! A successful long day on campus is but a few select items away. We wish you the best of luck!


Jasmine is currently a senior at the University of California, San Diego. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in Education Studies. Jasmine is the Co-Campus Correspondent for Her Campus UCSD, along with the amazing Taylor Zepeda. Jasmine spends most of her time volunteering at low socioeconomic status elementary schools across the San Diego county and grading papers for classes she is a Teacher's Assistant in. Novel wise, she is an avid fan of Edith Wharton and the Lord of the Rings series. She also loves comedic shows like New Girl and The Big Bang Theory, but also enjoys thrillers like Criminal Minds. One of Jasmine's favorite hobbies is trying foods of different cultures; she loves visiting cultural nights and community festivals. Above all, Jasmine worships Beyonce (a.k.a. Beysus, Queen Bee, Baeyonce, etc). Her future aspiration in life is to become the Secretary of Education and have the Hov and B over for dinners.