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Ever Heard of UCSC’s Electronic Music Minor?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSC chapter.

During high school, I started playing around with GarageBand and putting together random songs with my minimal musical knowledge from band. I had no keyboard, nor real equipment and would venture to YouTube for technical help. Once I started really getting a hang of the software and exhausted all the built in samples, I switched to a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) called Logic Pro X. Logic Pro X allowed me to create my own music with more powerful editing and mixing features and a larger library of sounds. 

Fast forward to college, I started making music in all types of genres–from classical to indie to techno. I made tracks in my tiny dorm, recorded with low quality microphones and started posting them on SoundCloud. That’s when I realized that I could use some help aside from YouTube to refine my skills. I took an introductory Music class as a GE requirement my second quarter of Freshman year. In that class the professor mentioned that applications for the Electronic Music Minor were opening. 

I was super intrigued as to what that was and even more shocked that UCSC offered a minor dedicated to electronic music production (Fun fact: UCSC is the only UC to offer an Electronic Music Minor). The minor focuses on the study of creating music with the tools of modern technology and provides instruction in advanced skills of audio production, sound synthesis, composition, and computer-assisted composition. 

Although slightly intimidated, I took a shot at it, sent in my application with a sample composition, and got into the program. Although priority is given to music majors, you can still get in if your major is not directly related to music (I’m a Computer Science major) as long as you have a basic understanding of music production and take the required prerequisites. 

The classes I have taken through the minor have immensely helped me in my music journey and provided me with tons of opportunities I would never have experienced otherwise. Now that covid restrictions have loosened, all Electronic Minor students also have access to the music studios, where you can create, record and experiment with expensive, industry level equipment. 

Recording and making music in the studios is by far my favorite perk of the program because I wouldn’t be able to experience that environment elsewhere. What I loved about each class was that you were never graded by how “good” your music was. That allowed for a lot of creative freedom, and for me personally it let me experiment with different techniques without the shackles of perfectionism. It was beautiful seeing how people created their own unique compositions that all stemmed from the same topic. 

If you have the slightest interest in music production and want to take it a step further, I highly recommend applying to the minor! Don’t be worried if you think you don’t have enough prior knowledge because you will learn all the required skills in the introductory classes. It’s been an amazing time for me so far and I hope others can experience the same. 
For more information on the requirements for this minor check out this page on the Music Department website: https://music.ucsc.edu/programs/electronic-music-minor.

Maryam (she/her) is a Junior at UC Santa Cruz studying Computer Science and serving as Senior Editor of the UCSC Chapter. When she's not coding, she's either making music, reading, or doing something art related. She also loves making different coffee drinks and spending her time outdoors.