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What to Wear on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.


I am aware that Valentine’s Day is a totally fake holiday made up by Hallmark to convince us to spend money on frilly underwear and chocolate BUT that doesn’t stop me from loving all things cute and heart-shaped during this time of year! While I am excited go on a fabulous date with my boyfriend the ever-pressing dilemma of “I have nothing to wear!” came up while I was looking in my closet full of perfectly good clothes. Valentine’s Day is a special day that deserves more than just a random dress I have hanging in the back of my closet, so here are my thoughts/what I will be wearing next week!


Formal Date

You are one of the lucky girls who may actually have a real live man taking you out next Thursday and this occasion calls for something more than your favorite jeans and cardigan. I mean come on it is Valentine’s Day. Show your V-Day date some love and go for that cute dress so he won’t be able to take his eyes off you the whole date! Here is what I would wear:

Dress: http://www.charlotterusse.com/product/Collections/Most-Loved/entity/pc/2715/c/0/sc/3025/229205.uts?affiliateCustomId=fa55794d6da84d9c97648da23080056c&source=PJ_AD%3Az%3ACHIC&clickId=559196798&affiliateId=2845&cid=afl

Stockings: http://www.victoriassecret.com/panties/hosiery/lace-top-thigh-high?ProductID=4043&CatalogueType=OLS

Heels: any black ones you have around would be great- I got a pair of adorable Vince Camuto heels with brass studs at Ross that were a steal!!!


If a dress isn’t your style try this:


Skirt: any pencil/bandage skirt would be cute.

Heels: same as above or red ones would be fabulous!


Casual Date

If you are planning on spending the night out with your friends or have a not-so-serious guy then this would be right up your ally. Going all out for Valentine’s Day isn’t everyone’s style but being a little celebratory can go a long way! Here is what I would wear:

Top: plain white or black t-shirt

Blazer: http://www.hm.com/us/product/98799?article=98799-G

Bottoms: jeans would be super cute and relaxed

Heels: nude ones for sure!


Don’t forget to throw on some jewelry like this: http://www.loveculture.com/Item/ItemDetailView.aspx?StyleId=1000000563

(A long gold necklace would also do great things to this look)


Staying In

Not all of us have wonderful evenings planned to celebrate V-Day but that doesn’t mean you can’t look cute at home or heading to class! This doesn’t require too much effort and I pinky promise if you wearing ANYTHING with hearts, red, or pink it will make you day instantly a million times better. Trust me. Here is what I would wear:

Top: http://www.victoriassecret.com/pink/new-arrivals/valentines-day-racerback-tank-pink?ProductID=95327&CatalogueType=OLS

(Make sure to sit next to the hot guy in class)

If you hate Valentine’s Day: http://www.urbanog.com/Deadly-Affection-Top_128_29779.html

If you aren’t getting one else a present you should treat yourself to these: http://shop.lululemon.com/products/clothes-accessories/women-crops/Wunder-Under-Crop-31428?cc=9131&skuId=3476917&catId=women-crops

Shoes: http://store.delias.com/product/irene+heart+cutout+skimmer+307938.do?sortby=ourPicks&from=Search


Have a great Valentine’s Day! 

 University of California, Santa Barbara chapter of Her Campus