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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Spring is right around the corner and nobody is more excited than girls who go to UCSB. The warm weather is the cue for picnic dates at Devereux, daygers, and of course, long beach days. I’m personally so over walking to campus every day in sweatpants and a hoodie. It’s time to ditch the puffer jackets and leggings and start looking for cute spring pieces for the warmer weather. Below are some predicted fashion trends I think we’ll be seeing a lot of this spring that you can add to your wardrobe! 


Crochet pieces are super fun and unique. The holes in the fabric also allow you to feel cool at all times, even during heat waves. Every day, I see at least one girl wearing a crochet piece of some sort, whether it’s a sweater or a top. I have also noticed that a lot of influencers are starting to wear crochet beach cover-ups. I saw an influencer on Tik Tok wear a two-piece crochet outfit and now I have to get back into crocheting so that I can make it. The holes in crochet pieces allow you to see what you’re wearing underneath, so if you wear a cute bikini to the beach, the crochet cover-up won’t completely cover it. Another great thing about crochet clothing is that you can make it yourself! 

Denim One-Pieces 

Denim is a classic, timeless clothing staple that looks good on pretty much everyone. Denim one-pieces are going to make you stand out way more than wearing just denim jeans. I’ve been seeing a lot of monochrome outfits lately and I think denim one-pieces follow this trend as well. Overalls, for example, are absolutely perfect for casual days when you’re just walking to campus or chilling at home. I got a pair of overalls a couple of years ago and I wear them almost every week. If you want to spice it up a bit more, denim dresses are also cute and super breathable for warm days. 

Midi Skirts 

Midi skirts elevate your outfit without all the effort. Just throw it on before you go out and you look immediately more elegant. Midi skirts also look great with chunky shoes such as cowboy boots or Doc Martens. My favorite go-to outfit right now is the Brandy Melville midi skirt I stole from my sister and these brown cowboy boots I got at a clothing sale in IV. I’ve also noticed there’s a crazy amount of cute midi skirts at thrift stores with funky, colorful patterns. Instead of buying an overpriced midi skirt, go to your local thrift store and you’ll have endless options. 

Platform Sandals 

As someone who is only 5’4, platform shoes are my best friend. I purchased these platform sandals called Tevas a couple of years ago and every time the weather gets warmer I immediately throw them on. Platform sandals immediately look more fashionable and give you a couple of extra inches in height. Tevas specifically are a little expensive, but plenty of other shoe brands also offer platform sandals for a cheaper price. 


I’m sure I speak for a lot of girls when I say I am an avid wearer of blacks and whites. It’s super hard for me to purchase anything that is remotely colorful. However, I think this spring calls for some color. Pastels reflect the “feel good” energy of spring that I think we all need right now. Pastels are also not too in-your-face but are still a little more adventurous than your classic black and whites. My favorite pastels right now are pastel lavender and pastel pink. I saw a girl at a Valentine’s day party last weekend wearing the most adorable pastel pink dress and, let me just say, I was obsessed with it. 


I’m not the only one who wore that one athletic Lululemon headband every day in middle school right? 2013 was not the best time for fashion. When I heard headbands were coming back, the only thing I could picture were those stretchy headbands I was obsessed with in middle school. But after seeing girls style the stiff, thicker headbands, I think I’m on board. Headbands can be worn with cute summer dresses, tanks, and workout sets. I haven’t bought a headband since middle school but I think I’m going to now after seeing the cute outfits people come up with.

Happy spring shopping! 

Hi! My name is Zoe and I am a fourth year history of public policy and law major at UCSB.