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Trend of the Season- Hair Feathers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

A new trend is heating up in the streets of IV.  Hair feathers are the newest fun new way for anyone to express a side of bohemian chic.  They are real feathers that are attached at the base of a strand of hair anywhere on your head.  It could be a subtle touch or an in-your-face expression. 
The feathers come in clusters or four or five and are available in many colors from neural to turquoise.  There’s no need to worry about styling the feathers can go right along with your normal styling routine and they last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks! 
There are a few people that know how to attach them.  My suggestion is to search hair feather extensions and your city name.  Happy feathering! :)