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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

In honor of this spring’s advancing freshman and next fall’s incoming students, I’m sharing 5 phrases that are scientifically proven to be said by freshman more than any other class. As the school year quickly comes to an end, let’s look back at the things all college students have said at some point in their lives. 

1. “I have sophomore standing.”

We get it. You were admitted into this school with 44 units because you were an overachiever in high school and passed 10 AP tests with flying colors. And that’s great. But you probably aren’t the only one and you probably won’t be the last. Give the rest of us students some credit. 

2. “I can’t have any Friday classes. I’ll die.”

You now have the power to make your own schedule and you’ve heard about how awesome it is not to have classes on Friday. It’s the goal of every student. But sooner or later, for whatever major you end up choosing, you will have a Friday class. Maybe not your first year (like I did), but definitely before you graduate. And you may find that it actually isn’t so bad. Okay it is that bad. Especially when all your friends decide to go out on Thursday.

3. “I’m undeclared.”

It’s fine. By the time you finish all the mandatory GEs, it’ll come to you. Among all those basic math, writing, and social science requirements, you’re bound to find your passion.

4. “I love my roommate. She and I are going to be best friends forever.”

Listen, we all thought that we were going to stay best friends with our roommates. But for a lot of us, once we find people we like outside of our freshman residence floor, we realize how funny is it that we ever  thought our first year roommate was going to be our future bridesmaid. But who knows? Maybe you guys are meant to be best friends forever. At least liking your roomate is way better than hating her.

5. “I don’t really study. Like, I never studied in high school and I always got straight A’s.”

Repeat after me: I need to learn how to study pronto because I will never get away with this in college. Take it from someone who had to learn the hard way. Winter quarter. Economics. The horror.

Nkechi Ikem is a writer for the HerCampus chapter at UC Santa Barbara. She is a second year political science major and plans to pursue a career in international law. Originally from the Sacramento area, she can't help but continuously remind people that the city is more than just a capital. In her free time, you can find her listening to the same song for an hour or reacting out loud to a book she's reading. She is present on almost all social media outlets, but her favorite at the moment is Twitter. Follow her @saymynameright_
Mya McCann is a fourth year literature student in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB. She currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand and is in the business of running BKK. On the weekends you can find Mya either in the jungle or on an island. On the weekdays she studies Thai and Buddhism and teaches English to sex workers in the red light district. You can follow her adventures on IG: MyaJoy