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Scott Lemoine ’12: Sigma Phi Epsilon Hosts Zeds Dead in the Hub

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

With Halloween quickly approaching, many UCSB students have already started preparing for the mass quantities of out-of-towners to flock the streets of IV.  However, some students are more focused on hosting events on-campus.  This week, UCSB HerCampus had the chance to talk with Scott Lemoine, Sigma Phi Epsilon member and coordinator of the October 25th Zeds Dead performance in the Hub.  With the proceeds going to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and The Killabits making a guest performance, what better way to ring in the Halloween season?

HC: Why was SigEp interested in hosting Zeds Dead?
S: We chose to host Zeds Dead because of the prevalence of electronic music in the local community. With EDM and Dubstep on the rise, Zeds Dead made for a perfect artist to attract a large crowd. Our philanthropy is right around the corner from Halloween, making our event a perfect pit stop for their Graveyard Tour. Everything just seemed to line up.
HC: What was the process for organizing an event at the Hub?
S: The UCen makes it really easy for campus organizations to host events in The Hub. They required us to prove to the school that we were physically and financially capable of running the event. Once the event was planned, it was up to our house to market the philanthropy and facilitate ticket sales. We assembled a large group of house volunteers to assist the UCen employees during the night of the event. We’re looking forward to working with UCen again for future philanthropy events.
HC: Where are the proceeds of the event going?
S: The proceeds from the philanthropy will be going towards our national charity, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF).
HC: Where would someone go to purchase tickets for the show?
S: Tickets are available on campus at A.S. ticket office and in front of the Arbor until 4pm. You can also pick them up outside of the SigEp house all day. 795 Embarcadero Del Norte (Brick House). $18 student pre-sale and $20 non-student pre-sale. Tickets are also sold at the door for $22 for students and $25 for non-students.