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Post-Earth Day Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Earth Day is not just a festival, but a hiatus from the doom and gloom surrounding sustainability and climate change. It is inspiring—the community gathers to celebrate the beautiful nature within our community with live music, great food, games and booths from our favorite green organizations. But it is the only weekend of the year that society puts sustainability in a brighter light.

This list will help you keep your chin up while celebrating sustainability all year round.

1. Be cool…Carpool!

Image via Much.com

Reduce your gasoline costs, take a moment to coordinate with a coworker, and save gallons of gasoline a day! Not to mention having company during those dreary commutes is a much better way to start your day.

2. Be thrifty

Image via Isla Vista Trading Post

Shopping at thrift stores is a fun way to add to your look from styles throughout the ages AND spare natural resources.

3. Be sure your waste is put in its place

Image via UCSB Sustainability 

A team of students work hard daily on campus to prevent waste from going to the landfill. Dozens of yellow compost bins around campus are just waiting for your PLA 0 or 7 plastic flatware and coffee cup. You could even put your kitchen scraps in a bag and dump them the bins.

A dedicated team of student employees make sure your waste is brought to the right place and divert as much waste from the landfill as possible. The Department of Public Worms and Associated Student Recycling have “Gaucho back!”

4. Be resourceful—go on a shopping date with your reusable bag

Image via CoolMomPicks

Pro tip: keep a couple reusable bags in your car! It is a great way to remind yourself to bring them into the store.

5. Be mindful of your food

Image via Phys Org

Take a moment to think about your food. Few of us really know anything about the food we eat…where it came from and the resources it consumes to get it onto your plate.

It’s not about becoming a vegan, but thinking of how to limit the use of our natural resources:

  1. Save 500 gallons of water by eating a turkey or veggie burger instead of a beef patty
  2. Buy locally grown foods and save 230 gallons of gas in global food transport per year

It takes a lot more resources to raise an animal than a plant. If you cut your meat consumption in half you’d be saving a whole lot of water! Grabbing lunch on Pardall? Try the Habit’s turkey or veggie burger. Cows produce high carbon emissions (they literally burp methane) and are just one reason why agriculture is America’s dirtiest industry.


Food may be complicated, but these everyday hacks are much easier than you might think.

#BeThrifty #BeCool #BeGreen

As a Biology major pursuing a Writing Minor, HerCampus ensures that writing remains a part of my everyday life. Food, sustainability, science, feminism... my articles reflect my passions and allow me to communicate with readers about student life and the beautiful UC Santa Barbara community.
Hi, Collegiettes! I'm Carmen, a Communication major at University of California, Santa Barbara and one of two Campus Correspondents for UCSB. I would love to one day work in either fashion, food, tech, financial services or philanthropy. My dream is to find a job that somehow combines several of those elements. Until I get there, I'll be munching on copious amounts of Trader Joe's dried mango, jamming out to my man, Frank Sinatra, and focusing on creating intriguing content! If you like my writing, talk to me. ;)