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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

A good read can be an escape for your mind during any stressful time. With the days feeling a bit longer than usual and the news updates about the current COVID-19 situation almost impossible to stay away from, a good read is something I believe everyone can benefit from. Since books are super accessible right now, reading is an easy way to fill your mind and day. Diving into a good book is something to look forward to throughout the day. Although everyone chooses to cope with tragedies differently, reading can help distract racing minds. I’ve gathered up some of my favorite positive reads you can choose to spend your time with. These reads are encouraging, light and uplifting and will hopefully shed some light in a time when positivity is needed the most. 

Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living, by Shauna Niequist

Christian author Shauna Niequist helps us understand how she chose to be present and pay more attention to her relationships. She shows us that connection to the people in our lives is more important than keeping busy. This book is perfect for the person who often gets caught up in perfectionism (which is definitely me!). If you’re looking to slow down and learn to live your life one day at a time, this one is probably for you. 

Own Your Everyday: Overcome the Pressure to Prove and Show Up for What You Were Made to Do, by Jordan Lee Dooley

The title honestly says it all. Dooley writes about finding ways to own our everyday. She’s honest and relatable speaking about things like imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and the trap of comparison. Reading this book is just like having a much needed conversation with an old friend. If you’re someone who feels overwhelmed, alone, or like you’re never going to figure it out, I highly recommend this book. 

Start Where You Are, by Meera Lee Patel

Although technically not a book, this journal is full of uplifting and inspirational prompts that will help you discover yourself through writing down your emotions, goals and motivations. It will definitely have you thinking about the positives in your life and how you can conquer your own fears to live the life you want. 

Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom

This memoir will surely put a smile on your face and make you feel all of the feels! Albom begins weekly visits with an old college professor who is in the final stages of his life. Be prepared to go through a journey of human connection and life lessons that will make you both laugh and cry.

The Beginning of Everything, by Robyn Schneider

“How new beginnings can stem from abrupt and tragic endings.” -Robyn Scheider

A light young adult read is the perfect way to get your mind off of things and this book will do exactly that. A book that begins with tragedy just turns out to be a new beginning for the main character, Ezra. Quirky and fun, this book is full of the romance and friendship that makes a young adult book amazing. This will be hard not to finish in a single sitting! 

Jess is a junior transfer student at UCSB majoring in English. She loves reading, writing, and baking. She is plant based and passionate about animals and our planet. She hopes to become a novelist and own her own coffee shop one day. When she's not in class, you might find her at a local coffee shop, practicing yoga or listening to Taylor Swift.
 University of California, Santa Barbara chapter of Her Campus