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Nabra Nelson: Lights, Camera, Action!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

They say there is a time and place for everything, and it turns out it’s called college. Meet Nabra Nelson, a UCSB senior, who has taken her four years on campus by the reigns. From acting in various plays, to starting and starring in the first ever Vagina Monologues, to minoring in Physics, Nabra truly embodies the meaning of being an ambitious college student.

Since the age of 9,  Nabra always knew she wanted to be involved in theatre at UCSB. She came in as a physics major and theatre minor, but as she got more involved in the theatre department and student theatre troupes, she realized she wanted to pursue theater as a career.

What was your favorite play to direct/act in?

This is a very difficult question for me! If I had to choose, directing and acting in the first ever Vulvaventures, a student-written portion of The Vagina Monologues (called Herstories this year) is definitely one of the best experiences I have had. Being able to start a tradition at UCSB that empowers women and gives a voice to groups not represented in The Vagina Monologues is extremely rewarding, and I had fun doing it! The Women’s Ensemble Theatre Troupe is an amazing group to work with. I also got to perform a piece written by my mother about her own experiences so that was beautiful to work on.

What do you see yourself ideally doing five years from now?

I hope to be directing in some capacity somewhere. That’s about as specific as my plans get at the moment. In this business I think it’s dangerous to get too specific with your goals. Instead I plan to jump on whatever opportunities come my way and see where they lead me.

What other activities or organizations do you partake in?

This year I had to step back from my orgs and activities since I am taking the quarter off for an internship. But the orgs that I identify with are the Multi-Cultural Drama Company and the Women’s Ensemble Theatre Troupe. I have partaken in several other activities but those are the ones that lasted all three years. I started another theatre company last year, which is now MAB Productions, and was an RA.

What do you hope to accomplish before graduating?

I hope to finish my Senior Honors Project, see more of Santa Barbara (the zoo, the hot springs, maybe camp in the mountains), eat at all the restaurants in IV (I’m close!) and get an internship for the summer and/or next year.

What do you love most about our campus?

The first thing that comes to mind is the beach. I think everyone at UCSB as some type of relationship with the beach, as if it’s the “big man on campus” (for lack of a better expression). I am happy to say that it has been a wonderful contribution to my college experience in many ways.  Plus, I can’t sort the many groups of people I love in any order of favorites, so it’s best to go with something inanimate.

What would be your advice to students who wish to be more active in college?

Try out everything you might be interested in and then decide from there. Everyone is figuring out what they want to do so you are not expected to commit to any org forever. If its not your style then everyone will understand; at least you tried. That’s what I did – my first year I joined a bunch of clubs and activities, and a few stuck!

Shefali Agarwal is a second year Communications Major at University of California Santa Barbara, hoping to pursue PR in the future. In addition to writing for Her Campus, Shefali enjoys traveling, eating, reading and playing volleyball. Anything that gets her out there and active is a must do. See what she is up to on Instagram @shefalee!
Mya McCann is a fourth year literature student in the College of Creative Studies at UCSB. She currently lives in Bangkok, Thailand and is in the business of running BKK. On the weekends you can find Mya either in the jungle or on an island. On the weekdays she studies Thai and Buddhism and teaches English to sex workers in the red light district. You can follow her adventures on IG: MyaJoy