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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Meet Catherine Marshall! She is a 3rd year student at UCSB. Among seven other students in the major, she studies flute performance. Catherine lives a different academic lifestyle compared to most students, and spends long hours perfecting and performing different musical pieces daily. She has previously performed alongside UCSB’s flute performance graduate, Azeem Ward, who has performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and has performed in various recitals and competitions.

1. Of all instruments, what drew you to want to play the flute? And do you play any other instruments?

Catherine: At first, I picked the clarinet in 5th grade. I didn’t really understand how different all the instruments were, and just liked the physical appearance of the clarinet. But then in 6th grade, I decided to switch to the flute because I loved its “magical” tone and all the high notes it could produce! I’m glad I made the switch!

Over the years, I’ve also picked up guitar, percussion, piano, and singing. They are so much fun, but I make sure to still put my classical flute training first!


2. How long have you been playing?

 I’m currently on my tenth year of playing flute.


3. What made you want to major in flute performance?

 In high school, I always loved wind ensemble, and it really stood out to me as a class I was a lot more passionate about than the rest.  Because of this, I started to pursue flute more seriously my junior and senior years, competing, auditioning for state honor groups, and interning for my flute studio. I got to really see what it was like to be a part of the “flute world” and loved it. There was never even a moment I really decided to major in flute, it kind of just happened!

4. What is a normal day like for you as a flute performance major?

 I normally start my day at 8am to get in at least 2 hours of practice before class. Typically, I’ll have either a rehearsal, coaching, or private lesson in the afternoon which requires preparation all morning. In the evening, we have performance classes every school night! Orchestra, flute studio, and wind ensemble make up the schedule for the week. I would say the biggest difference between the performance major and academic major are these performance classes every night, and the practice time. Instead of studying in the library, you will typically hear a full practice room of performance majors practicing through out the day!


5. What’s your favorite part about being a performance major?

I love the work ethic that is required, and the way you get to physically see the results. We are required to practice for at least four hours every day, and this kind of intense practice routine creates real results that are so much fun to see, in ourselves and in our peers! I love the way our flute studio works together, helping each other figure out how to improve our tone or technique, rather than letting competition get between us. But most of all, I love that our day is spent developing and deepening our skills to bring the beauty of music into the world!


6. What would you say is most difficult about being in this major?

 I would say the most difficult thing is the commitment to things outside of school. Being a performance major and hoping for a career in the field, you have to do more than attend your classes and lessons. There are conventions, festivals, and competitions all the time, which are really great experience but can at times be difficult to manage!


7. If you have any advice/tips for anyone thinking about becoming a performance major what would you say?

Make sure you like the faculty you will be working with, in performance majors your individual professor can make or break your experience! Don’t lose sight of your passion for performance, and focus on becoming the best YOU can possibly be at your skill! The best kind of competition is with yourself!


Kyrene is a third year Global Studies major. She is an Editorial Intern and a PR Intern for UCSB Her Campus. Kyrene is from the southern Californian city of Covina. She enjoys meeting people, exploring new places, and taking roadtrips with friends. On her spare time, you can find her playing guitar, experimenting with outfits, relaxing with music, or catching up with shows on her "to watch" list.
Kristine is a 3rd year Chemistry major at UC Santa Barbara. She was born and raised in San Francisco, CA. When she's not writing, she works with her sister to create adorable baked delicacies for The Royal Icing, their at-home bakery. She's also a ballerina, lipstick enthusiast, and bunny lover. Post-graduation, she plans on going to graduate school while continuing her writing career. Catch her on instagram @CookiesForKay