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Jeremy Fish: UCSB Gymnastics, Tumbling, and Associated Stunts Club

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

This week, UCSB HerCampus had a chance to talk to Jeremy Fish, a third year UCSB student who has recently started the “UCSB Gymnastics, Tumbling, and Associated Stunts Club”.  We were able to get an idea of the club, some of it’s goals, as well as ways for students to join! 

What made you want to start the UCSB Gymnastics, Tumbling, and Associated Stunts Club?
I started the club because a lot of people wanted extra time to practice their skills. This mainly came in the form of open gyms. So I was talking with a few of what are my now officers, and we decided we should make a club to bring together all the people interested in more gymnastics/tumbling time. I had also wanted to do par kour, so then I threw that in. Then people wanted more spotting and classes to progress their skills. Then people wanted cheer and acrobatics. Now we’re pretty much offering every associated stunt in addition to gymnastics and tumbling, and might start working closely with the UCSB cheer team in supplementing their practices, as well as the outlook of a future club gymnastics team through spirals. 

What are some of the goals of the club?
The goals of the club are in the purpose: To support the learning and coaching of gymnastics, tumbling, and its associated stunts, such as par kour, freerunning, cheer, acrobatics, etc., in pursuit of a healthy and athletic lifestyle.

What is your most memorable moment as a gymnast?
Oh jeeze….most memorable? There are a lot…but I’d say the most insightful was helping my last boss –Hugo Cherre– Start his own gym, which was his dream for over 20 years. He modeled it with a non-competitive structure, as I am this club, and taught me many of the coaching skills I know today. There, I started one of the first par kour and freerunning programs in LA. As far as good memories, there were many to be had when I competed with my team around ages 10-12.

How can students get involved with the club?
Students can get involved by JOINING! We are working on starting up regular open gyms as well as many classes in gymnastics, tumbling, cheer/stunting, acrobatics, par kour, freerunning, conditioning/stretching, beach gymnastics, stunt-sports, and more! Even more student involved is our coaching/training classes we will be starting soon, which can enable a student to qualify under the club as a “coach,” which can help fellow members with advice and spotting, and eventually running their own classes! To join the club (unofficially i.e., not a paid member), please search for our facebook group! If you search “UCSB Gymnastics,” we should be at the top of the list. This is how we communicate news, meetings, and eventually class and club event times.