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How to Spot a Douche on Tinder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.


Here are 9 warning signs of a “Tinder Douche.”
1. He’s simply on Tinder
2. Mirror pics
3. His wife or significant other is in his picture
4. His “About Me” section includes details and/or measurements of his…endowment
5. He advertises a Snapchat name (no, I don’t want to snapchat a stranger that I met on tinder)
6. He messages you repeatedly after no responses 
7. “I’ll tell my parents that we met at Starbucks/the gas station/Albertson’s”
8. “I’m just looking for someone real” ….that I can have sex with, no strings attached, and never speak to again
9. His picture is a car that he clearly photographed in a museum or auto show
Good luck, Collegiettes! Remember, you’re worth more than a few swipes to the left! 
 University of California, Santa Barbara chapter of Her Campus