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Her Campus UCSB is Giving Out VEET Samples!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Unless you associate with those of the hippie variety, if you’re a girl you are all too familiar with the trials and tribulations of hair removal. Razor burn, painful bikini waxes, and the annoying frequency it all has to occur in order for us to stay “ladylike” is enough to drive a girl insane. Luckily, there is a solution to your stubbly struggles: VEET, an easy-to-use depilatory product, sold as creams, waxes and bleaches with results that last for weeks! It gets even better: HerCampus is offering 500 free promotional samples to UCSB students in the Arbor this finals week at our “Beautiful Break” table. Come by, grab a sample, and wave farewell to hairy legs, bumpy bikini lines, and whatever uni-brow or mustache you are privately battling daily to keep at bay.  VEET is just what you need for a smooth-sailing summer this year.

Phoebe is a senior at the University of California, Santa Barbara, majoring in Film and Media Studies. She is from San Diego, CA and loves spending time hiking and walking her dog on the beach. At UCSB, Phoebe is involved with her sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and loves to take study breaks by baking and watching reality TV. However, she is truly passionate about cats and Nutella (not together of course). After graduation, Phoebe plans to travel abroad in Europe and pursue a career in Public Relations.