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Five Ways To Save the Planet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

All it takes is a little bit of time and effort!

1. Replace plastic with metal and glass.

Pause before buying that huge pack of plastic water bottles from Costco. Consider this: The Center for Biological Diversity found that in the Los Angeles area alone, 10 metric tons of plastic fragments are carried into the Pacific Ocean every day. This includes items like plastic silverware, plastic water bottles, and plastic bags. Items like these only serve to harm oceanic animals, who sometimes get stuck or strangled by these materials.

How can we curb plastic pollution in the ocean? Switch out the plastic bottles for one metal or glass water bottle. It’s cheaper in the long run. looks better aesthetically, and won’t contribute to pollution. Do the same for plastic silverware. To take it to a whole new level, stores like Sur La Table even sell stainless steel straws to replace plastic straws.

2. Take shorter showers.

It’s tempting to just stand under the stream of water for hours and ponder how the world came to be. But it’s not worth it. Think outside of the shower. Think on a chair instead. It saves a lot more water.

3. Buy more bags.

What do Kmart and Whole Foods have in common? They sell their own reusable shopping bags. And so do plenty of other grocery stores. Buy them. While expensive at first, they last for a long time and keep you from using the plastic ones that are so bad for the environment. Keep them in the back of your car or somewhere convenient so you’ll see them before you go shopping.

4. Bike to school (Or walk)

Save car trips for longer distances. The total area of Isla Vista measures under two square miles in total. Bike or walk to school. More exercise, less emissions. And no need to worry about parking on campus.

5. Do your part.

Recycling is cool. But there’s more to be done. Don’t hesitate to volunteer to clean up Isla Vista’s beaches. And when you see trash floating around, pick it up and throw it away, even if it’s not yours. One good deed goes a long way.

Nkechi Ikem is a writer for the HerCampus chapter at UC Santa Barbara. She is a second year political science major and plans to pursue a career in international law. Originally from the Sacramento area, she can't help but continuously remind people that the city is more than just a capital. In her free time, you can find her listening to the same song for an hour or reacting out loud to a book she's reading. She is present on almost all social media outlets, but her favorite at the moment is Twitter. Follow her @saymynameright_
Kirby is a recent graduate from UCSB currently living in Los Angeles. As a proud Her Campus UCSB alum, she's happy to be back on the HC team covering one of her fave shows: "The Mindy Project." On any given day you can find her with her nose in a book (let's be real - it's a Kindle). In her free time, she likes petting dogs, binge-watching TV, and eating a lot of food. Find her on Instagram: @kirbynicoleb or @GirlBossEats.