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The Feels of a College Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

1.     YAY I’M GRADUATING!  What an accomplishment!


2.     Omg…what am I going to do after graduation?

3.     I need an internship! I need a job! WHERE DO I GET THESE THINGS?

4.     How am I going to adult?

5.     Can spring quarter last forever?

6.     Does this mean…I can’t wear leggings everyday after June?

7.     I can’t move back home…I can’t move back home…

8.     I’ve got to stop stressing myself out so much.  Everything will be fine.  Time to relax and enjoy these last precious moments of college life!

9.     There are too many things on my UCSB bucket list and too little time!

10. Ughhh why do I still have to take classes?

11. Can everyone stop asking what I am going to do after graduation? 

12. Seriously…if it’s 3pm, three people have probably already asked me. 

13. I’m going to miss my friends, this school, this tiny little apartment…there’s just too many emotions! 


Siobhán is a fourth year English major at UCSB. She is originally from the Bay Area and still misses hearing "hella" on the daily. She loves the ocean, photography/ film, music, and good eats (especially burritos). In her free time, she likes to obsessively watch Netflix, watch the sunset, and experiment with new recipes in the kitchen! You can see what she is up to on her instagram @swetzelll.
Kirby is a recent graduate from UCSB currently living in Los Angeles. As a proud Her Campus UCSB alum, she's happy to be back on the HC team covering one of her fave shows: "The Mindy Project." On any given day you can find her with her nose in a book (let's be real - it's a Kindle). In her free time, she likes petting dogs, binge-watching TV, and eating a lot of food. Find her on Instagram: @kirbynicoleb or @GirlBossEats.