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Awkward and Adorable First Kiss Stories From UCSB Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

There was a boy named Roberto in my P.E. class in second grade, and I was in love with him. I was chasing him around the playground screaming, “Kiss me, kiss me!” He was terrified. I ended up tackling him to the ground, pinning him down, and laying one on him. He tattled on me, and my teacher called my mom, and I was in a lot of trouble. I cried for days.

Hailey, 3rd year


It was sophomore year of high school at homecoming. Me and my date snuck out to go look at the view from the roof of one of the science buildings. It was actually pretty romantic. He told me he had liked me since Freshman year, and then I just decided to kiss him. We made out for like an hour after that. We ended up dating and going to UCSB together.

Riley, 4th year


I was texting this guy in 8th grade and we had a crush on each other. We had decided that we were probably going to kiss the next time we hung out, but had agreed to not use tongue. Well, we went to an outdoor movie in the park with our friends and separated from them so we could kiss. We sat behind a bush and started kissing and apparently I got too excited and used my tongue. He immediately pulled back and said, “We agreed we wouldn’t use our tongues!” I was so embarrassed, but then it turned into quite a romantic night when a cop came up to us with a flashlight and told us to get out of the bushes.

– Shannon, 1st year


My friends pushed mine and my girlfriend’s faces together when we were sitting next to each other at lunch in 8th grade. It was super awkward and they pushed really hard so it hurt, and my braces ended up cutting open her lip. She broke up with me the next day… it’s a really painful and cringey memory.

Gio, 2nd year



It was my first year at UCSB, and I was at a frat party. I was talking to this really sweet guy about Econ because we happened to both be majoring in it. He was 2 years older than me so he was giving me advice. He said he couldn’t hear me very well and asked if I wanted to go upstairs where it was quieter. I was really skeptical, but he seemed really nice so I went. We went into his room and ended up talking for hours about so many different things. Eventually we kissed and he walked me home. We actually dated for a few months after that!

– Francesca, 2nd year


I was 14 and I was at one of those 18 and under clubs. It was a foam party, and I saw this pretty girl wearing an Abercrombie sweatshirt. I went up to her and said, “Hey my shorts are from there,” pointing to her sweatshirt, and she said, “Cool.” Then I asked her to dance. It was my first time grinding, but it was obviously not hers. She was going crazy. It felt so wrong, but so right. She turned around, and grabbed my face really hard and kissed me, and then said she had to go because her mom was picking her up. I said okay and she disappeared. I never got her name, but I thought about her so much for weeks after that…. where are you mystery girl, I’m still waiting for you.

Manny, 1st year


I was sitting with my boyfriend during lunch break when I was 10 and we were listening to my ipod. It was on shuffle and the song “Are You Going to Kiss Me Or Not” by Thompson Square came on. I pointed to it and looked at him. He took out it his earbud and said “Do you want me to?” and I said, “Sure.” He said, “Right now or later?” and I said, “I don’t care,” and he said, “Do you want to just get it over with?” and I was like, “Yep,” and then he went for it, and my chapstick got all over his lips. He kept licking them and said it tasted really good. Then we went back to silently listening to music.

– Dylan, 3rd year


I didn’t get my first kiss until senior prom. I felt so behind everyone else, and I was really insecure about it. We were slow dancing to the last song before prom ended and he pulled my hair back and kissed me. I laughed hysterically after, and he asked me if it was bad. I said no, I was just happy.  

Katy, 1st year


I was 20, yes 20, and I was at a New Year’s Eve Party with some people from high school. One of my guy friends brought his friend from college and introduced me to him. Then, my friend said he would be right back, and he went to the bathroom, so I was left to talk to this tall, dark, and handsome stranger. He told me his mom made him bring a pie to the party as a hosting gift, and he was really embarrassed about it. I asked where it was because I wanted some. He led me to it and then I ate half of it. He was laughing so hard that I just kept eating to make him laugh more. When the ball dropped he grabbed me at midnight and we kissed.

– Adrianna, 4th year


Taylor is a first year from San Diego, California. When Taylor isn't writing or journaling, you can find her shopping, playing soccer, or hanging by the beach. Her ambitious goal is to one day become Editor in Chief of a major fashion magazine.
Kirby is a recent graduate from UCSB currently living in Los Angeles. As a proud Her Campus UCSB alum, she's happy to be back on the HC team covering one of her fave shows: "The Mindy Project." On any given day you can find her with her nose in a book (let's be real - it's a Kindle). In her free time, she likes petting dogs, binge-watching TV, and eating a lot of food. Find her on Instagram: @kirbynicoleb or @GirlBossEats.