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11 Signs You are Actually Michael Scott

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

Ever wondered if you and Michael Scott are the same person? Check out the following signs to see if you truly are Michael Scott himself!

1. You take credit for other people’s work.

2. You run away from your problems and are completely fine with it.

3. You are emotionally invested in other people’s relationships. 

4. You think you’re the funniest person alive.

5. You’re pretty much a 5-year-old in every situation.

6. You know exactly how to fit in with the “cool kids.”

7. You are your own biggest fan. 

8. But you are still completely aware of your flaws. 

9. You stick to your convictions (aka you are stubborn as heck).

10. You support your friends 100%.

11. You’re a little extra… but just a little.

Howdy! Lissette is a second year biology major at UC Santa Barbara. She enjoys art museums, calligraphy, and making art as a hobby and for the ucsb campus newspaper, The Daily Nexus! She has a soft spot for romantic comedies which explains why she is a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic. She also has an interest in all things boba and music.
Kristine is a 3rd year Chemistry major at UC Santa Barbara. She was born and raised in San Francisco, CA. When she's not writing, she works with her sister to create adorable baked delicacies for The Royal Icing, their at-home bakery. She's also a ballerina, lipstick enthusiast, and bunny lover. Post-graduation, she plans on going to graduate school while continuing her writing career. Catch her on instagram @CookiesForKay