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10 Unexpected Things We Go Through As We Turn Into “Adults”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.

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When we were teenagers, we were absolutely certain of our status as an adult. We thought: I’m old enough to make my own money, my own life decisions. On top of that, by the time we were 18 we could buy cigarettes and serve in the military! How much more “adult” could a person get? Well, it turns out that there is a lot more to being a “grown up”. You’ll know it, when it finally unexpectedly hits you. Obviously, we all know that the responsibilities increase, but it’s the little things that start to slowly change in your life that indicate a true change into adulthood. Here are just 10 strange things that happen when you actually become an adult:

1. Weight Gain

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You thought you’d be able to run away from the fat forever, but before you know it all of the fast food and total junk you used to be able to get away with as a teen finally catches up as your metabolism slows down. You used to be able to finish off a 3rd, 4th and 5th taco with no tinge of guilt. Now? Those tacos instantly manifest to your muffin top. However, while shocking at first, a few stages further into being an adult and you’ll likely find that a few extra here and there points are perfectly okay.

2. Anxiety

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You used to be able to handle so much drama in your life; there were so many extreme ups and downs, yet you’d somehow come out feeling fine at the end of the day. As an adult, this emotional strain starts to really affect your day-to-day life. Worry, stress, anger, jealousy- The strain of it all can cause you to become physically ill, anxious all of the time, depressed and unmotivated to get on with the day. It is important to consider the emotional consequences of your actions, and get the help you need if it begins to take its toll on you.

3. Make-Up is Less Important

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For some, make-up was never really that important to begin with. However, many other teens make it their top priority, and find that they can’t go anywhere without it. Often times, as we get older, this habit becomes less and less important. There is less time in the day to dedicate to make-up, and honestly probably less people you’ll care to impress.

4. Caffeine Addiction

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As your to-do list grows and grows so will your addiction to caffeine, whether it be coffee, teas, energy drinks or all of the above. When you’re workload begins to interfere with sleep, you’ll find that you have to make up for the loss of energy somehow.

5. The End of Friendships

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Unfortunately, one of the downsides to growing up is the loss of friendships. The people you thought would always have a place in your life begin to drift out of touch as you both become busier and busier. But in your new busy schedule you start to make new friends. You also realize who your true friends are, because they are the ones that end up sticking with you throughout the years are definitely true friends.

6. Change in Goals and Aspirations

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While your goals used to be on the smaller scale, more centered around dating and friendships, they start to shift toward the bigger picture. The things that will lead you to success become more important to you as you realize that the time has come to start figuring these things out! Dating and friendship will always be important, but in a way that doesn’t get in the way of accomplishing your dreams. 

7. Sudden Fear of Getting Old

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After reaching the glorifying age of 21, all of the birthdays you looked forward to have passed. Suddenly, you’re 22 and you’re all too aware that your mid-twenties is right around the corner! Which means your 30’s are looming, so you really have to start figuring your life out NOW! But not really, it just feels that way sometimes, and that’s when you know you’re no longer a teenager.

8. Desire to Get the Most Out of Your Life

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After you have had your first beginning-of-life-as-an-adult crisis, you get the feeling that you really want to try new things and make the most out of your life, at least your young because… yolo, right? (Are people still saying that? See, I am getting old!) You find that you want to have fun while you can because someday you will be in your 30’s, and it will be the time to settle down, so why slow down now?

9. You Want to Be Independent

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At some point, you decide that you no longer want to rely on your parents for things. You want to be at a point in your life where you’re able to pay your own bills, buy your own things and make your own doctors appointment… okay maybe that last one can wait until your an adulter adult.

10. You Don’t Care to Go Out as Much as You Used To

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While it’s always still fun to go to parties and bars and all that, the pressure to go out and have fun just because it’s the weekend lessens. You find that after a long busy week, a netflix kind of night sounds just right. When it’s your own money that you’re spending, blowing it on a few drinks seems a little like a waste.

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As much as turning into an adult sucks, we all have to do it sooner or later. Besides, what is the alternative? Being a kid forever. No thanks. Just like everything else in the world, there’s good and bad to it, but as we get older, we have the chance to achieve our goals and make our younger selves proud!

My name is Lauren MacDonald and I am the former campus correspondent and editor in chief of Her Campus UCSB. While at UCSB, I dedicated much of my time to Her Campus as I strongly believe in its ability to empower women to tell their stories. I graduated in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies.
Kristine is a 3rd year Chemistry major at UC Santa Barbara. She was born and raised in San Francisco, CA. When she's not writing, she works with her sister to create adorable baked delicacies for The Royal Icing, their at-home bakery. She's also a ballerina, lipstick enthusiast, and bunny lover. Post-graduation, she plans on going to graduate school while continuing her writing career. Catch her on instagram @CookiesForKay