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Eva Kaganovsky

A Thank You Letter To My Twin Sister

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

To my twin sister,

Never, in my mere 19 years of existence, did I ever think that I would be writing you a thank you letter. I could not wait for us to go to different colleges. Now, I sitĀ under the beautiful painting you sent me for my birthday, wrapped in a blanket, as I search for cheap flightsĀ so I can finally visit you. Yes, you are a pain. Yes, you eat all the snacks we buy from Trader Joes before we even get home and scream at me to turn off every light 0.2 seconds after I leave a room, but I wouldnā€™t want to have it any other way.Ā Ā 

We spent 18 years of our lives less than 5 miles (at most) away from each other and now, being 368 miles away from you for the past year and a half, I have realized how much I rely on you. So thank youā€¦

Thank you for your patience with me. You are the only person I know that can bear with me in the kitchen as I try crazy gluten-free recipes that never really turn out right. You never get mad at me when I add salt instead of sugar because they look the same to me when I am not wearing my glasses. You just laugh it off and start a new batch. You stay silent while I take 5 million years to parallel park our car and make a limited amount of comments all those mornings where I forced us to drive all the way home after we left to school because I forgot my coffee mug on the kitchen counter.Ā 

Thank you for always reminding me that I never have to go through anything alone. You are the only person I know that would walk all the way to Starbucks (because you are too scared to drive) to get me my favorite drink after my first break-up. You let me sit in your room and cry for hours when I thought that I was not going to get into any colleges. You literally did everything for me after my awful concussion and only made fun of me about it a few times. Thank you for repeating to meĀ  ā€œŠ²ŃŠµ Š±ŃƒŠ“ŠµŃ‚ хŠ¾Ń€Š¾ŃˆŠ¾ā€ (everything will be okay) when I feel like my world is falling apart. That phrase has now turned into a mantra for us.

And you never stopped being there for me after we left for different colleges. You sat on the phone with me for hours as I ranted about all the moronic things I did last year. And not onceĀ was there any judgement in your response (even when I deserved some); not even when I almost failed a math test because I could not find the ā€œOnā€ button to my calculator. You were my biggest support system when I spontaneously decided to change my major and when I got my first tattoo. And I know that whatever I will get myself into this year, you will help me find a way to laugh about it.

Lastly, thank you for just being an incredible person overall. Because you are such an extraordinary human being, you motivate me to work hard everyday so I can be just half as selfless, talented and brilliant as you are. I most definitely would not be the person I am today without you.Ā 

And even though after two days togetherĀ I cannot stand you anymore, I am forever grateful for the meaning you have added and continue to add to my life. Our distance truly helped me to realize how thankful I am for you, my built-in best friend.Ā 

I hope everyone is as lucky as me to have a Michelle in their life.Ā 

Your other half,


Eva Kaganovsky is a fourth year Psychobiology major and Food studies minor on the pre-health path. She is very passionate about nutrition, health, and sustainability. In her free time, you can catch Eva practicing yoga, singing extremely off key, drinking (way too much) coffee, or laughing with friends. Follow Eva's caffeine-fueled life on instagram @evaa.kay
Her Campus at UCLA is a proud Elite Level Chapter in the Her Campus. Our team consists of talented writers, content creators, photographers, designers, event planners and more! Follow us @HerCampusUCLA and check out HerCampus.com/school/UCLA for more articles! Feel free to contact us at hc.ucla@hercampus.com for any questions.