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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCLA chapter.

At this point, most of us have heard of the five “love languages” and have even taken the quiz to figure out which love languages we gravitate towards.  The term comes from the book The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman, PhD.  

The “love languages” are ways people show they care. People tend to show they care in different ways, from texting their person nonstop to (excessive) PDA to giving lots of gifts. Generally, we all tend to show our affection via one of the five love languages: gift-giving, physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, or quality time.  

If you haven’t taken the test yet, you can take it here for free to figure out how you show your affection and how you best like to be loved!

Now, if you’ve discovered that quality time is your love language (like me), here is everything you need to know before spending some ~quality~ time with your loved ones.

As you might have guessed, the love language quality time refers to attentive, engaging time with the people you hold close. It means putting down your phones and occupying the same physical, emotional and mental space as the people you love.  

Quality time might seem self-explanatory, but there are varying definitions of what is considered quality time. 

Here are a few ways to enjoy your quality time:

  • Visit a museum
  • Plan a weekend getaway
  • Movie marathon
  • Play video games together
  • Visit the beach
  • Go to an amusement park
  • Take a cooking class 

Whether quality time is your love language or your partner’s, there are plenty of ways to get off your phones and spend some time together. And remember, quality time date nights don’t have to be complex or expensive! Try a Happily Box or baking cookies or even massaging each other!

Alyssa Chew is a fourth-year Electrical Engineering major at UCLA. She is excited to be a Features Writer for Her Campus at UCLA and to get involved and explore Los Angeles. Alyssa hopes you enjoy reading her articles!